Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Hope for start of 2020 season

A face-to-face meeting finally got the stalled Major League Baseball negotiatio­ns moving.

- Tom Haudricour­t

A face-to-face meeting finally got the stalled Major League Baseball negotiatio­ns moving Wednesday for a delayed 2020 season.

After backing off his previous promise Monday of “100%” guaranteei­ng a season would be played, baseball commission­er Rob Manfred went to Phoenix on Tuesday evening for a face-to-face meeting with players union director Tony Clark, to see if the stalemate could be broken. Jon Heyman of the MLB Network was first to report that meeting Wednesday, which later was confirmed by several outlets.

The talks between Manfred and Clark were characteri­zed as “productive,” and later reports indicated ownership sent a new proposal to start a delayed season. Part of any agreement would include the union promising not to file a grievance against MLB, claiming it did not bargain in good faith.

Ken Rosenthal of The Athletic reported the MLB proposal included playing 60 games in 70 days, beginning on either July 19 or 20. Players would get full pro-rated pay, there would be expanded playoffs this season and 2021, and the union would waive its right to filing any grievance over the negotiatin­g process.

An agreement also would include use of the designated hitter in the National League not only for 2020 but also 2021, leading into CBA negotiatio­ns expected to make it permanent going forward.

When some reports took the leap that a deal was at hand, the union sent this cautionary tweet: “Reports of an agreement are false.”

Manfred later released this statement:

“At my request, Tony Clark and I met for several hours yesterday in Phoenix. We left that meeting with a jointly developed framework that we agreed could form the basis of an agreement and subject to conversati­ons with our respective constituen­ts. I summarized that framework numerous times in the meeting and sent Tony a written summary today. Consistent with our conversati­ons yesterday, I am encouragin­g the Clubs to move forward and I trust Tony is doing the same.”

The sides are expected to resume negotiatio­ns Thursday, when the union could counter by asking for more games.

Talks between the sides reached a nadir Monday when, after a conference call with owners, Manfred said there was “a real risk” that no games would be played in 2020. That comment was in direct contradict­ion to his vow before the amateur draft the previous week that he was “100%” certain games would be played.

The situation deteriorat­ed over the weekend when the sides exchanged angry emails, accusing each other of failing to bargain in good faith. Clark issued a release saying the union saw no reason for further negotiatio­ns, indicating players would wait to be told when and where to report for a delayed season.

Players then latched onto the phrase “tell us when and where” as a rallying cry.

Owners feared if Manfred implemente­d a season with a length of his choosing, the union would file a grievance for perhaps as much as $1 billion, claiming badfaith bargaining. When Manfred then backed off the certainty of playing games, Clark responded by saying, “Players are disgusted that after Rob Manfred unequivoca­lly told players and fans that there would ‘100%’ be a 2020 season, he has decided to go back on his word and is now threatenin­g to cancel the entire season.”

Manfred, who always has preferred a negotiated settlement over implementa­tion, then requested a face-to-face meeting with Clark in Phoenix, where he lives. No deal has been concluded but both sides have been in favor of an expanded postseason, from 10 to 16 teams, if an agreement on games could be reached.

The crux of the dispute stemmed from a March 26 agreement that was interprete­d differently by the sides. The players union said it was guaranteed full pro-rated pay for all games played, while owners insisted it allowed them to re-visit salaries if games were to be played with no fans.

Owners made three separate proposals, each with significant pay cuts, and players responded each time by saying they only would accept full pro-rated pay. Manfred was left with the choice of implementi­ng a season of 50some games, with time being wasted, or make a last-ditch attempt to reach a settlement.

Once an agreement is in place, players are expected to get a week or so to report to a second spring training. The Milwaukee Brewers earlier announced their intention to hold what is expected to be a three-week session at Miller Park.

 ?? AP ?? Baseball Commission­er Rob Manfred (above) had productive talks with players union director Tony Clark.
AP Baseball Commission­er Rob Manfred (above) had productive talks with players union director Tony Clark.

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