Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

‘Dreamers’ elated, but still worried about DACA

Supreme Court blocks dismantlin­g of program

- Ricardo Torres and Jessica Rodriguez

The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision Thursday sparing the DACA program was welcomed by those who have benefited from it, but children of immigrants worry about future efforts to roll back the program.

The court ruled 5-4 that the Trump administra­tion could not dismantle the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which protects undocument­ed immigrants who came to the United States as minors from deportatio­n and allows them to legally work or go to college.

“Although it’s a victory, it’s not a solution,” said Daniel Gutierrez Ayala, 21, who has been helping to pay his family’s bills after the coronaviru­s pandemic left his parents without work.

In a deeply divided opinion written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the court held that the Department of Homeland Security’s “arbitrary and capricious” process to end DACA was unlawful. That means DACA lives on, allowing more than 650,000 DACA recipients to continue legally living and working here.

President Donald Trump labeled the ruling “politicall­y charged” and said it was the latest in a series of “shotgun blasts” to the faces of Republican­s and conservati­ves.

Gutierrez Ayala said he remains nervous that the administra­tion will keep trying to end the program, which began with a 2012 executive order by thenPresid­ent Barack Obama.

“Our lives are still at stake. It’s still a temporary program,” he said. “This energy and resilience that I got this morning ... I’m going to use it to continue to keep fighting for a permanent solution.”

But that permanent solution may prove elusive and the Supreme Court victory Thursday was narrow, with four

conservati­ve justices dissenting. That likely ensures a protracted legal fight will continue, according to Justice Clarence Thomas, one of the dissenters.

The court, he wrote, “has given the green light for future political battles to be fought in this court rather than where they rightfully belong — the political branches.”

Congress has repeatedly declined to pass legislatio­n to protect so-called “dreamers.” After the House passed legislatio­n a year ago to provide a path to citizenshi­p for immigrants brought to the United States as children, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, RKy., said he was unlikely to bring up the bill.

Gutierrez Ayala’s parents came to the United States a few weeks after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. After saving money for a year, they were able to buy a plane ticket to bring Gutierrez Ayala, then about 3 years old, to the U.S.

“My aunt was documented, so she was able to bring me to the United States using the paperwork of my cousin who was a U.S. citizen,” Gutierrez Ayala said.

“It’s been about 18 years that I’ve been in this country, the only country that I know,” Gutierrez Ayala said.

Gutierrez Ayala has until January 2022 to renew his DACA status; he works as a legal assistant for Laura Fernandez Immigratio­n Law.

‘I am going to keep fighting’

Alejandra Gonzalez works with young immigrants at Voces de la Frontera, an immigratio­n advocacy organizati­on in Milwaukee. She is also a DACA recipient.

“This decision hasn’t changed too much for me,” Gonzalez said. “I am going to keep fighting for a clean Dream Act because that’s what dreamers need. This administra­tion can still take DACA away, and we need to put something better in its place.”

Among other things, a “clean Dream Act” would provide a pathway to citizenshi­p for DACA recipients and their parents, she said.

Overall, Gonzalez said she feels “elated” and relieved by the decision.

“I am glad to have two more years of protection until I have to renew again,” Gonzalez said.

Gonzalez was 5 when she came to the United States from Mexico in 1993.

“I kind of remember crossing the border,” Gonzalez said. “I was very attached to my mom and I think at some point we were going to be separated so I was given Tylenol to fall asleep and I remember waking up in California.”

Her family worked on California farms for two years. But after seeing people get arrested and deported, they decided to move to Milwaukee and live with family members on her mom’s side. The family lived for a time in a furnished attic on Chavez Drive.

“It was big enough for a queen-size bed and a dresser,” Gonzalez said. “My great aunt lived in a duplex, so she lived on the main floor, her children lived on the second floor and we lived in the attic.”

Growing up, she remembers her parents being afraid of the police because they didn’t want to get deported. Her parents didn’t talk about their immigratio­n status.

“We didn’t want to bring attention to ourselves,” Gonzalez said.

Gonzalez went to Milwaukee High School of the Arts and was a theater major. She graduated at age 17 and with a tax ID number from a family member began working as a nanny.

Because of DACA, Gonzalez was able to attend Alverno College when she was 26 but could not get any federal aid to help pay for tuition. She was able to get private scholarshi­ps and grants but still needed to pay about $8,000 a year to go to school.

Gonzalez was hired by Voces de la Frontera during her senior year at Alverno.

‘They gave up their lives’

When Josue Davalos was a teenager, he tried to get a job at a Pick ’N Save in order to save money to treat his girlfriend at the time.

That’s when he found out he was not a citizen. “I was devastated at that moment,” he said. “I felt like my whole life was a lie.”

Davalos did not let himself get angry at his parents, who brought him to Racine from Mexico when he was 2.

“I owe it to them not to break,” he said. “They gave up their lives, all their friends and family to give us a better life.”

When Davalos learned about the Supreme Court’s decision to preserve DACA on Thursday, he was relieved.

Davalos’ entire life is in Wisconsin. Leaving for Mexico would mean living in a country he’s never known.

Davalos graduated with a4.0 GPA from Milwaukee Area Technical College, where he studied English and Spanish. He works as a correction­al officer with the Racine County Sheriff’s Department.

“I was only born in Mexico,” he said. Davalos knows the decision to preserve DACA is only a temporary solution and urges DACA recipients to continue to fight for immigratio­n rights.

DACA protects many young adults like Davalos from the immediate threat of deportatio­n, according to Voces de la Frontera.

Executive Director Christine Neumann-Ortiz said the Supreme Court’s decision is only a partial win and DACA recipients will continue to be under threat.

“It’s critical, especially for DACA recipients and within the movement, that people don’t go back to that status quo or feel content,” she said.

Bevin Christie, a spokeswoma­n for Forward Latino, said the decision does not move the needle in a positive direction.

“It’s hard to call it a win when it’s something that was already there that was trying to be removed,” Christie said.

Christie said allowing opening applicatio­ns for new DACA recipients would be a step in the right direction.

“I think new applicants would be an easy, quick way to move the needle,” she said. “And ultimately, to pass the Dream Act.”

 ?? MICHAEL SEARS / MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL ?? Daniel Gutierrez Ayala, works in the law office of Laura Fernandez in Milwaukee. He is a student at Cardinal Stritch University.
MICHAEL SEARS / MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL Daniel Gutierrez Ayala, works in the law office of Laura Fernandez in Milwaukee. He is a student at Cardinal Stritch University.
 ?? MIKE DE SISTI / MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL ?? Alejandra Gonzalez is seen at her office at Voces de la Frontera on South 5th Street in Milwaukee.
MIKE DE SISTI / MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL Alejandra Gonzalez is seen at her office at Voces de la Frontera on South 5th Street in Milwaukee.

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