Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Abusive ex asks for meeting from deathbed

- Ask Carolyn Email Carolyn at, follow her on Facebook at

Hi, Carolyn: I was in a relationsh­ip from age 24 to 36. I’m now over 60. The relationsh­ip was abusive, but subtly so – or so it seemed to me. Lots of gaslightin­g, lots of picking fights at dinner (until it got to the point I’d lost 20 pounds), lots of, “Why aren’t you like this?” or, “When you did X, were you being obtuse or were you just being mean?” Even things like waking me in the middle of the night to discuss some point about my personalit­y or actions that offended or hurt them, when they knew I struggled to sleep. This person had been a mentor first, and my gratitude combined with an ever-disappeari­ng sense of self kept me with them far too long. I finally did get out by listening to my friends who claimed the relationsh­ip was abusive, getting a therapist, going on antidepres­sants and making a pact with myself not to have any contact with this person again.

Although they tried to pull me back in, I never gave any response: gifts went into the dumpster unopened, letters were shredded unread, and I changed my phone number. For the past 15 years, I have heard nothing and not even spotted them in public (we still live in the same town). I have been married for 20 years to a loving spouse. I am truly as happy as I’ve ever been in my life.

I’ve now learned this person is likely dying from cancer, and they have asked through a friend of theirs if I would agree to one joint meeting with a counselor so they can “finish” their life “with nothing left unsaid” (the friend’s words).

I am not going to do this. But I wonder about how to reply to the friend’s email. I don’t wish them ill, but I feel I barely made it out that relationsh­ip alive. I have no wish either to give absolution or argue anything out again. I’m thinking I should just … not respond, which of course is a response. Or should I try to be kinder with my “no”? – Anonymous

Anonymous: No.

Because the request itself is a renewal of the abuse.

Your ex could say the “unsaid” in writing. Instead, they conditione­d it upon your engaging with them again. That says they have not changed, grown, gotten healthy or learned a blasted thing in the decades since you left.

Abuse is a transactio­n requiring two people to complete it. For your ex to manipulate you, you need to change your behavior at their bidding. Just by dwelling on how to respond, you have already been manipulate­d. That’s why it was selfish of your ex to reach out to you this way. The “with a counselor” element is just a false promise of your protection, and likely a disingenuo­us one at that, intended to draw you in.

So choose actions toward your goal of complete detachment.

Counterint­uitively, that doesn’t mean not responding, which could passively invite the friend to keep trying – and also leave you with something to dread. Instead, pull the plug firmly and clearly in an emailed response: “I want no interactio­n with [ex]. Please do not contact me again.”

Block addresses and numbers as needed, and live without apology in your hard-won peace.

 ?? Carolyn Hax ??
Carolyn Hax

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