Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Supreme Court blocks effort to end DACA.

Says spike in virus cases is due to administer­ing more tests nationally

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WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump repeated an assertion that coronaviru­s testing is “overrated” and said he would not seek widespread screenings if there is a nationwide spike, his latest broadside against an effort that public health experts say is critical to containing the virus.

“I personally think testing is overrated, even though I created the greatest testing machine in history,” Trump told The Wall Street Journal in an interview published Thursday. He added that expanded testing led to a rise in confirmed coronaviru­s cases that “in many ways, it makes us look bad.”

The president has been ratcheting up his criticism of coronaviru­s testing for weeks to explain a rise in daily confirmed cases found in several Sun Belt states. While it is true that more testing leads to more confirmed cases, experts have said that other factors – including the relaxation of stay-at-home orders – are also at play.

Trump on Monday blamed the new wave of cases on increased testing and suggested that, without testing, there would be few new cases. White House officials later clarified Trump meant there would be fewer confirmed cases if testing was suspended.

“If we stop testing right now, we’d have very few cases, if any,” Trump said this week.

Asked about that statement, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said it was “entirely logical.”

“When you do more testing, you identify more cases,” she said. “Countries that don’t do as much testing don’t identify the same number of cases.”

Several states, including Arizona, South Carolina, Texas and Florida, have witnessed increases in cases recently. Though experts haven’t agreed on an explanatio­n, some said lifting lockdown restrictio­ns and isolated outbreaks have played a role.

Trump has pressed hard on governors and local officials to reopen their economies.

The president has argued for weeks that the high number of coronaviru­s cases in the U.S. is a reflection of the nation’s testing regime. It is a narrative that Trump is likely to echo on the campaign trail ahead of this November’s election.

While the U.S. has ramped up testing – the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that more than 25 million tests have been administer­ed as of Wednesday – the effort is still less than many other countries on a per capita basis.

“Without testing, or weak testing, we would be showing almost no cases,” the president tweeted earlier Monday. “Testing is a double edged sword – Makes us look bad, but good to have!!!”

His comments Monday echoed remarks he has been making for weeks, dismissing increases as based entirely on expanded testing rather than other factors.

“If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases,” Trump said during an event on May 15. During that same event, Trump said of testing that: “Maybe it is overrated.”

Florida’s first reopening phase began May 18. Not only had the state failed to meet a two-week decline in cases, it actually reported an increase per day a week before reopening. According to Johns Hopkins University data, Florida reported 594 cases on May 10. Five days later there were more than 800 cases.

“This virus is much more spotty,” Arnold Monto, professor of epidemiolo­gy at the University of Michigan School for Public Health, told USA TODAY last week. “It is so complicate­d that when people give you a simple answer to this, it’s probably not right.”

Another reason some states may be experienci­ng unexpected spikes is because of “super spreaders,” events or enclosed community outbreaks, experts say. A super spreader is an infected person who can transmit the disease to a large number of people.

 ?? ALEX BRANDON/AP ?? President Donald Trump said he “created the greatest (coronaviru­s) testing machine in history.”
ALEX BRANDON/AP President Donald Trump said he “created the greatest (coronaviru­s) testing machine in history.”

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