Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Senators take different steps to help businesses

- Oren Oppenheim

The question in Washington these days is not whether businesses need financial help to get back on their feet. On that, there is general agreement. But how businesses are held accountabl­e for keeping their workers safe and how federal financial support is structured — that’s where the political divide starts to show.

On Tuesday, U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin from Wisconsin questioned whether businesses that were following safety guidelines were losing out to noncomplyi­ng competitor­s.

Participat­ing remotely in a meeting of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, Baldwin challenged panelists over whether businesses should be held accountabl­e for not following guidelines released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Occupation­al Safety and Health Administra­tion.

Saying she was concerned about the rising coronaviru­s cases in Wisconsin and around the nation, she said: “Now, CDC and OSHA have issued recommende­d safety guidances for businesses, but this guidance is not enforceabl­e.”

She pressed CDC director and task force member Dr. Robert Redfield whether all businesses were complying, and he acknowledg­ed that wasn’t the case.

“So it’s an uneven playing field,” Baldwin said. “And it hurts businesses that are trying to do the right thing by adopting CDC and OSHA guidelines because their competitor­s don’t have to incur the same safety and health costs.”

Redfield answered that enforcemen­t would depend on local jurisdicti­ons and could vary from state to state and locale to locale.

This has been the case in Wisconsin, for example, where the question of whether Gov. Tony Evers or local government­s can mandate mask-wearing, close businesses or take other measures to prevent the virus’ spread has become a matter of legal debate.

Later Tuesday, Baldwin asked for unanimous consent on the Senate floor to pass the COVID-19 Every Worker Protection Act, which she and Democratic Sen. Tammy Duckworth from Illinois co-sponsored in May.

The bill requires the Secretary of Labor to work with the CDC and National Institute of Health to create emergency enforceabl­e standards for businesses.

Baldwin said that as the American economy reopens, many workers are returning to their jobs in addition to the “thousands of American workers” who “have been on the job from the start, keeping our economy running and keeping people safe . ... And yet, there is no federal, enforceabl­e standard in place to protect American workers from getting infected with, or spreading, COVID-19.”

Republican Sen. Mike Lee from Utah blocked the measure, saying that states and localities, as well as individual industries, would be better suited to come up with individual COVID-19 standards.

“I am very disappoint­ed,” Baldwin responded. “I think this is one of the most critical actions that our country could take in the face of this pandemic.”

Taking responsibi­lity for themselves

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson has echoed Lee’s sentiments and said businesses and consumers need to take responsibi­lity for themselves. But the Wisconsin Republican indicated the government should take action in some cases.

“I always rejected the overall shutdowns. People would say… we’re going to identify and list essential businesses, and keep everything else shut down. From my standpoint, every business, every organizati­on is essential to somebody,” he said in a recent webinar hosted by the Milwaukee Press Club and Wispolitic­

He added that the government should have focused on businesses “that posed a significant threat towards out-of-control spread” of the coronaviru­s.

Later he added that this might include “tightly packed bars... I know that hurts people to hear me say that, here in Wisconsin.”

While Johnson did not speak about applying enforceabl­e safety standards to businesses across the board, he has emphasized that he supports wearing masks and social distancing in public.

“Hopefully, people will be rational,” he said. “We need to modify our behavior (compared with previously) and possibly shut some of those (businesses) down.”

Sharing payroll costs

Baldwin and other lawmakers, including Wisconsin’s Rep. Mark Pocan, introduced the “Rebuilding Main Street Act” last week that would provide grants to employers for rent and reopening, as well as “allow employers to share their payroll costs with the federal government,” according to a release from Baldwin.

And on Tuesday, she and other Democratic senators announced a bill meant to help with funding jobs and economic recovery through amending the Social Security Act.

Meanwhile, in a conversati­on on Wednesday with Axios news website, Johnson said many businesses that have needed to remain closed beyond the eight-week loan forgivenes­s period of the Paycheck Protection Program have lost all their capital. The PPP is the key program providing loans to small businesses hurt by the pandemic.

“We really need to be taking a look at some method … to potentiall­y restore capital to viable businesses that can reopen,” he said. “But those same businesses will have to have some kind of game plan to mothball themselves ... so once the market actually allows them to open up, they’ll be able to.”

Johnson also reiterated his proposal to modify the PPP so that employers receive a $10,000 grant for each employee if the business is restructur­ed into an “employee stock-ownership plan.” Johnson said that structure helps every employee participat­e and alleviates inequality gaps.

An extension of the PPP applicatio­n deadline, originally June 30, passed the Senate on Tuesday night and passed the House on Wednesday afternoon.

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