Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Gordon-Levitt plugs into ‘Project Power’

- Ed Symkus

Actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt, after a busy couple of decades in everything from “Third Rock From the Sun” to “The Dark Knight Rises,” took time off when he and his wife, Tasha McCauley, started raising a family.

But this summer, he’s back in the movie business, albeit on a smaller screen, with starring roles in two action films — Amazon’s “7500” and Netflix’s “Project Power.”

The latter, which also stars Jamie Foxx, debuted Friday; in it, Gordon-Levitt, 39, plays a detective searching for the source of a drug that give people superhuman powers.

Gordon-Levitt spoke recently about “Project Power” via Zoom from his home in Los Angeles.

Question: You’ve been picking your acting jobs very carefully these days. What attracted you to “Project Power?” Answer: The people I work with sent me the script, said, “Jamie Foxx is doing this, it seems fun, and it’s New Orleans.” It was a pretty easy decision. I had just done “7500,” which was a very, very challengin­g, very heavy movie, so I wanted to do something easy and fun. I’ve been a fan of Jamie since I was a kid, so I was delighted at the opportunit­y to work with him, and there’s this young actress Dominique Fishback, who is a fantastic, up-andcoming talent, in the film. I had a great time.

Q: Why is it worth watching?

A: First and foremost, it’s a ride and a good time. There are some underlying themes that are quite substantia­l, but this isn’t a movie that’s going to hit you over the head with a message . ...

Mostly it’s just a lot of fun.

Q: How would you describe your character?

A: Frank is a detective in New Orleans. I think a lot of what drives him is his love for his city . ... And when this kind of super powerful global-scale organizati­on comes in and tries to do testing on the people there, he gets very protective.

Q: You’ve directed a few short films and the feature “Don Jon.” Has directing changed you as an actor?

A: I think I actually became more ready and willing and excited to relinquish control (to the director) . ... When you’re directing, you have to keep every single little thing in mind, and when you’re acting, the whole game is to forget all of that, and just have one thing in mind.

Q: What was going on in your head while you were watching “Project Power” the first time?

A: I was having a blast watching it. I take it as a really good sign when I’m able to watch something that I’m in, and get genuinely absorbed in it, and not sit and nitpick and critique. When I saw the finished movie, I was just having fun watching a movie, which is the best you could ask for.

 ?? NETFLIX ?? Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Frank in a scene from the Netflix film “Project Power.”
NETFLIX Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Frank in a scene from the Netflix film “Project Power.”

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