Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Delegates kick off week talking military spending.

Speakers call for cuts in US defense budget

- Allison Garfield Contact Allison Garfield at agarfi Follow her on Twitter @aligarfield_.

Milwaukee’s Democratic National Convention might not be what Wisconsin delegates had in mind but they kicked off the week with a partially inperson, partially-virtual event Sunday afternoon aimed at reducing military spending.

A crowd of three dozen formed at the Peace Billboard at North Seventh and West Wells streets that was erected in anticipati­on of a large convention in Milwaukee, and organizers informed volunteers to remain six feet apart.

“I know you love each other but please don’t reach out and touch each other,” one warned.

The coronaviru­s pandemic crushed Milwaukee’s hopes for a large-scale event, leaving delegates sitting at home, watching the events on television, as the national ticket accepts their nomination­s in Delaware. Delegate caucuses during the convention’s daytime schedule will be virtual.

“We can’t talk about it anymore or I’ll break down in tears,” said Chris Walton, Biden delegate and chair of the Democratic Party of Milwaukee County. “It just sucks.”

Sanders delegate William Walter lamented the economic boom that would have come to the city with a “normal” convention. He added the DNC could have put Milwaukee — and Wisconsin — on the map.

“People don’t realize Wisconsin is more than beer and cheese.”

The lineup of Sunday’s event featured in-person speakers, including several Milwaukee-area delegates for Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, along with audio recordings of Rep. Gwen Moore and Rep. Barbara Lee.

After 20 minutes of technical difficulties trying to livestream the event on Facebook — which was ultimately unsuccessf­ul — and unorganize­d chanting, delegates and local peace activists took turns at the podium calling for the U.S. Department of Defense’s spending to be cut by 10%.

Moore said the Pentagon’s “bloated” budget is a good place for change to start.

“Our nation is crying out for change and for new leadership,” Moore said. “This America-first strategy has been a bust (and) is simply a reiteratio­n of policies that have failed over and over for decades.”

Like many of the speakers, Moore emphasized a need for policies that emphasize diplomacy and re-engaging with allies.

Walter, who also helped arrange the program, said he was happy with the Sunday event’s in-person turnout, especially because of the pandemic. He said they didn’t actually know how many people would show up.

And while he’s optimistic for the rest of the week, he contended that he’s disappoint­ed in some of the speakers — especially considerin­g the demographi­cs reached.

Walter said the average speaker at the convention is 62 years old. Younger Democrats who contended for the presidenti­al nomination such as Julian Castro are not among the scheduled speakers.

“Young delegates are not happy with that,” he said.

“Youth are not only the future of the party but the future of the country — you’d think they’d want to reach out to that demographi­c a bit more.”

 ?? MIKE DE SISTI / MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL ?? Noel Ray-Ortega, a Bernie Sanders delegate, speaks as Chris Walton, left, chairman of the Milwaukee County Democratic Party and a Joe Biden delegate, listens during a DNC Delegates United for Peace event.
MIKE DE SISTI / MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL Noel Ray-Ortega, a Bernie Sanders delegate, speaks as Chris Walton, left, chairman of the Milwaukee County Democratic Party and a Joe Biden delegate, listens during a DNC Delegates United for Peace event.

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