Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Clerks worry about delays from growth in mail-in ballots.

Votes can’t be counted until polls are open

- Laura Schulte

With August’s primary election behind them, clerks in Wisconsin are now starting to look with apprehensi­on toward the November presidenti­al election, still in the midst of the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Though the number of voters in the August election didn’t add up to a delay in vote totals or in-person lines extending around buildings, it raised concerns over the delay a large number of absentee ballots could cause in November’s presidenti­al election.

Diane Coenen, Oconomowoc’s city clerk, said the Aug. 11 election was manageable for her staff, but only 3,492 people voted, and 2,368 of those were absentee ballots. She knows that number is only going to go up for November, and she’s worried about what’s going to happen when that landslide of absentee ballots have to be counted.

“Elections are designed for people to go to the polls, and that’s how we’ve always facilitate­d elections, and how they’re set up to run,” she said. “Our workers are trained to process voters at the polls. The absentee process taking place between voters — that’s where mistakes can happen.”

Absentee ballots can only be opened and fed into the machines on the day of the election, after the polls open, meaning that in some cases, municipali­ties are being forced to rent or buy additional voting machines to feed the absentee ballots into while inperson voters still use the other machines. And that extra stress can add up for workers, who are also helping to check voters in, keep all shared services cleaned and sanitary, and register new voters.

“Over the years, we’ve lost poll workers,” Coenen said. “It’s just too cumbersome.”

Though absentee ballot requests have been trending upward for Coenen, who also serves as the president of the Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Associatio­n, it’s been nothing compared to the change this year.

“The concerns are that most municipali­ties do not have enough office staff in the clerks department to process the amount they’re going to get,” she said.

November election could be difficult

In Milwaukee, the Elections Commission is expecting between 150,000 to 200,000 absentee ballot requests for the November election, according to executive director Claire Woodall-Vogg.

In August, the more than 50,000 absentee ballots that Milwaukee received took until 2:30 a.m. to process, making Woodall-Vogg concerned for what the night of the presidenti­al election will look like.

“We saw nearly 5,000 voters returning their ballot on Election Day, which requires a great amount of time devoted to scanning those ballots in as received into our database and then organizing them by ward and redistribu­ting them to teams to process with ward paperwork,” she said in an email to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

In Madison, nearly 73,000 ballots were requested and about 55,500 of those were returned, Deputy Clerk Jim Verbick said.

He said the Madison avoided problems with absentee ballots for the August election. The city had a system set up that got the absentee ballots sorted and sent to the wards they belonged in quickly, with deliveries taking place throughout election day.

But there are concerns over November’s election, with numbers that will be higher, requiring more workers to get numbers in on time.

“The concern we have is just making sure we have enough polling places and enough poll workers to maintain them,” he said.

To combat that problem, Verbick said that the city has used National Guard members, as well as recruiting city workers, high school students and even bartenders to help at polling locations. Many other municipali­ties are relying on the National Guard, too, which was ordered by Gov. Tony Evers to help short-staffed polling places in April and August.

A possible solution to the worry overcounti­ng ballots on time would be to allow election clerks to start feeding absentee ballots into the tabulation machines as they’re received, instead of the night of an election.

Coenen is a big supporter of allowing the early counting, though no one should be allowed to run vote totals until the night of the election, she said. She’s pushed for lawmakers to pass a law that would allow clerks to do that, but in the three years she’s been working on the measure, nothing has happened.

In addition to the concerns clerks have about handling mail-in voting, they’re also being questioned on the process and how it can be ensured that ballots are being counted fairly.

Coenen said she hopes people remember that clerks are dedicated to the job they do, and that making sure every vote is counted is integral.

“Clerks are profession­als,” she said. “Everyone is doing their best to minimize mistakes and uphold the letter of the law. The integrity of the vote is in place.”

Woodall-Vogg expressed a similar thought.

“The more attacks that are made and rhetoric circulatin­g that question the integrity and legitimacy of our democracy, the easier we have found it to find motivated and dedicated election workers who want to protect the democratic systems,” she said.

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