Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

UNC students try to make sense of COVID-19 closures

- Jordan Culver JEFF AMY/AP

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. – First they came to campus, ready to begin classes after the University of North Carolina said the coronaviru­s would not stop in-person learning.

After one week, the virus took hold. Regular classes were halted, leaving students to face another state of confusion caused by COVID-19.

It’s the latest national problem caused by the virus. College campuses around the U.S. are scrambling to deal with coronaviru­s clusters linked in some cases to student housing, offcampus parties and packed bars.

Students at UNC, the majority wearing masks when possible, jogged, ate dinner with friends and planned their next steps on Monday. That’s where things got confusing. The announceme­nt earlier in the day had an air of inevitabil­ity, students told USA TODAY.

For freshman Eliza Hart, 18, Monday’s news was the latest in coronaviru­s-related disappoint­ments in 2020. She and the women sharing an on-campus suite will leave UNC’s campus this week.

“I feel like this whole year, that’s kind of the word you can use to describe most of the things that were supposed to happen,” Hart said. “I was a senior earlier this year. With graduation­s being canceled and proms being canceled, I think ‘disappoint­ment’ is just the word of the year.”

Other students living on campus are unsure about what to do next.

“They tried their best to do the necessary precaution­s, but, at the end of the day, when you have thousands of students all together, there’s only so much you can do,” said Gigi Cloney, 20, a public policy student. “I think it was already known and they chose to operate knowing this would happen.

“They had quarantine­s ready because they knew people were going to get sick. That kind of speaks for itself. They literally had quarantine dorms ready and they’ve already filled up in a matter of a week.”

UNC on Monday became the first major university to pivot to online classes after reopening in person. The reversal took one week.

Since the university started in-person courses Aug. 10, it has reported at least four clusters of outbreaks of COVID-19 in student living spaces. Undergradu­ate courses will go remote Wednesday, and the university said it will reduce the density in its dorms.

Kacie Barrett, 20, who signed a lease to live in an off-campus townhouse with friends, said moving classes online adds another layer of stress.

“You don’t really plan for your room to be a library,” the business administra­tion and economics student said. “You’re supposed to perform the same way you were before. For me, I don’t have a desk. It’s been really hard to find somewhere to study. It’s been a lot – I expected most of my classes to be inperson.”

The anger Cloney expressed was echoed by other students. Some weren’t happy about the timing of UNC’s decisions. Others said they were getting more informatio­n from social media than from the school’s administra­tion.

Outbreaks earlier this summer at fraterniti­es in Washington, California and Mississipp­i provided a glimpse of the challenges school officials face in keeping the virus from spreading on campuses where young people eat, live, study – and party – in close quarters.

 ??  ?? The University of North Carolina and other campuses are scrambling to deal with coronaviru­s clusters linked in some cases to student housing, off-campus parties and packed bars.
The University of North Carolina and other campuses are scrambling to deal with coronaviru­s clusters linked in some cases to student housing, off-campus parties and packed bars.

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