Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Barrett nominated

GOP hopes for confirmation before Election Day; Trump wants nine justices to decide any voting cases

- David Jackson and Richard Wolf USA TODAY

WASHINGTON – Seizing an opportunit­y to consolidat­e conservati­ve control of the Supreme Court, President Donald Trump on Saturday nominated federal appeals court Judge Amy Coney Barrett of Indiana to replace the late Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

The nomination, overwhelmi­ngly popular among conservati­ves, comes as Trump trails Democratic nominee Joe Biden in most polls and gives him a chance to change the national conversati­on from the coronaviru­s pandemic, racial justice and a troubled economy.

In a Rose Garden ceremony, Trump called Barrett “one of our nation’s most brilliant and gifted legal minds.”

“She is a woman of unparallel­ed achievemen­t, towering intellect, sterling credential­s and unyielding loyalty

“I fully understand

that this is a momentous decision for a president. I love

the United States, and I love the United States Constituti­on. I am truly humbled by the prospect of serving on the Supreme Court.” Amy Coney Barrett

to the Constituti­on,” he said.

Barrett paid homage to Ginsburg as well as the job she will inherit.

“I fully understand that this is a momentous decision for a president,” she said. “I love the United States, and I love the United States Constituti­on. I am truly humbled by the prospect of serving on the Supreme Court.”

With Election Day 38 days away, Senate Republican­s hope to move quickly to confirm Barrett, 48, to a lifetime appointmen­t on the high court. Only two of the 53 Republican­s – Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine – oppose voting before the election.

Democrats and liberal interest groups critical of her positions on abortion, health care and other issues appear powerless to block it.

The White House has already set up meetings for Barrett on Capitol Hill, the traditiona­l first step toward Senate confirmation.

If she wins confirmation, Barrett, a devout Catholic, would be the fifth woman to serve on the Supreme Court and Trump’s third nominee, joining Associate Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. The past three presidents – Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton – each appointed only two justices during their eight years in the White House.

Barrett is in many ways the ideologica­l opposite of Ginsburg, the leader of the court’s liberal wing who died Sept. 18 after a lengthy battle with cancer.

Trump and Senate Republican leaders want to confirm Barrett before the election – in part because of the contested nature of the election itself. Last week, Trump said he wanted nine justices on the court to decide any legal cases that arise from the voting.

Sen. Mike Braun, R-Indiana, said in an interview that Barrett will offer a “little more conservati­ve backbone in the court,” adding with a laugh that her nomination to the high court has been

“one of the worst kept secrets.”

Braun said he has one of the first oneon-one interviews scheduled with the nominee on Wednesday, adding that throughout the week senators are scheduled to meet with Trump’s pick.

He said hearings are likely to start in the Senate Judiciary Committee, the panel tasked with vetting Barrett, the week of Oct. 12, with Republican­s hoping for a full Senate vote before the end of October.

But first, the nomination of Barrett– who serves on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, based in Chicago – will be a major campaign issue, coming just three days before the president’s first debate with Democratic challenger Joe Biden.

Republican­s and conservati­ve allies applauded Barrett as a strict constructi­onist who will interpret the Constituti­on and not make law from the bench.

“Judge Barrett has impressed the brightest judicial and legal minds with her profound understand­ing of the law,” tweeted Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas.

Confirming Barrett by Election Day will require an extraordin­arily fast schedule against an historic deadline. It customaril­y takes about 10 weeks to move from a Supreme Court nomination to Senate confirmation. And no justice has been confirmed later than July of an election year.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch

McConnell and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, plan to hold hearings on Barrett in October, with a final Senate vote by early November, right ahead of the election.

Democrats have decried that plan as hypocritic­al, pointing to what happened in the 2016 election year. Then, the Republican Senate blocked President Barack Obama’s nominee to the high court after Associate Justice Antonin Scalia died in February, some nine months before Election Day.

If Trump and the Republican­s push Barrett through, Democrats have vowed retaliatio­n should they win control of the Senate in November. Their options range from ending filibuster rights – making it nearly impossible for a Republican minority to block legislatio­n – to increasing the number of seats on the Supreme Court to restore ideologica­l balance. They also could move to make Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico states, giving them opportunit­ies to add Democrats to the Senate.

A former Scalia law clerk, Barrett checks most if not all conservati­ve legal boxes. She is an originalis­t and a textualist, meaning she looks to the words of the Constituti­on and congressio­nal statutes as written. At 48, she could serve on the court for four decades or more.

If confirmed by Election Day, she could be on the high court in time to hear several major cases this fall, including a third major challenge to the Affordable Care Act.

Barrett’s confirmation would give Republican appointees a 6-3 advantage on the nation’s highest court, perhaps locking in conservati­ve dominance for decades on issues such as abortion, civil and voting rights, health care, police powers, free speech and government regulation­s.

In the Supreme Court term that ended in July, Republican appointees held a 5-4 advantage, though Trump and others questioned just how conservati­ve the court was under the leadership of Chief Justice John Roberts.

Born in New Orleans and now a resident of Indiana, Barrett has been a Notre Dame law professor since 2002 and a federal appeals court judge since 2017. She and her husband, Jesse, have seven children, including two adopted from Haiti and one who has Down syndrome.

While she was the overwhelmi­ng favorite for the nomination, Trump and aides said he considered at least four other candidates: federal appeals court judges Barbara Lagoa of Florida, Allison Jones Rushing of North Carolina and Joan Larsen of Michigan, and Kate Comerford Todd, a deputy White House counsel.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? President Donald Trump introduces 7th U.S. Circuit Court Judge Amy Coney Barrett as his nominee to the Supreme Court in the White House Rose Garden on Saturday. With 38 days until the election, Trump tapped Barrett to be his third Supreme Court nominee.
GETTY IMAGES President Donald Trump introduces 7th U.S. Circuit Court Judge Amy Coney Barrett as his nominee to the Supreme Court in the White House Rose Garden on Saturday. With 38 days until the election, Trump tapped Barrett to be his third Supreme Court nominee.

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