Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Yes, GOP could end Evers’ emergency

- Eric Litke Milwaukee Journal Sentinel USA TODAY NETWORK-WISCONSIN

The latest state of emergency declared by Gov. Tony Evers — his third since the start of the coronaviru­s pandemic — elicited the expected reaction from Republican­s.

The latest order extended the state’s mask mandate, which was set to expire Sept. 30, for an additional two months.

An avalanche of GOP news releases and social media posts condemned Evers, a Democrat, calling the order “illegal,” “unconstitu­tional,” an “overreach” and a “power grab.” Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, called it “rule by fiat” and said there would “undoubtedl­y be additional court challenges” — on top of the court challenges to previous orders.

But one Wisconsin Democrat says Vos has no reason to wait for courts.

“Whenever you see a WI Republican bemoan the Governor’s mask mandate, remember these 2 things,” state Sen. Chris Larson of Milwaukee said Sept. 23 on Twitter. “1) They have the power to overturn the order by joint resolution and they refuse to do it. 2) They sued to have control over our #COVID19 response months ago, and have done nothing.”

We’re focusing on the first point. It’s an overlooked element of the partisan showdown over Wisconsin’s coronaviru­s response.

And Larson is exactly right. Let’s review what’s going on.

The state of emergency statute

State law first gave the governor authority to declare a state of emergency in 1951, though that was related only to acts of war. The circumstan­ces in which an emergency may be declared and the governor’s powers in that scenario have evolved since, including the addition of public health emergencie­s in 2002.

The only prior public health emergency in state history came in 2009, when Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle issued Executive Order #280 in response to H1N1 (swine flu), according to the Wisconsin Legislativ­e Reference Bureau.

The section of statute Evers relied on for his three orders isn’t a long one, so here’s the whole thing. We’ve bolded the key element at the end:

Declaratio­n by governor. The governor may issue an executive order declaring a state of emergency for the state or any portion of the state if he or she determines that an emergency resulting from a disaster or the imminent threat of a disaster exists. If the governor determines that a public health emergency exists, he or she may issue an executive order declaring a state of emergency related to public health for the state or any portion of the state and may designate the department of health services as the lead state agency to respond to that emergency. If the governor determines that the emergency is related to computer or telecommun­ication systems, he or she may designate the department of administra­tion as the lead agency to respond to that emergency. A state of emergency shall not exceed 60 days, unless the state of emergency is extended by joint resolution of the Legislatur­e. A copy of the executive order shall be filed with the secretary of state. The executive order may be revoked at the discretion of either the governor by executive order or the Legislatur­e by joint resolution.

So, revoking the order is a pretty straightfo­rward process. And one way to do it is a joint resolution approved by both houses. What’s more, unlike traditiona­l legislatio­n it is not subject to the governor’s veto — a simple majority is enough.

The status of the Legislatur­e

Republican­s hold a commanding majority in both houses. The advantage is 18-13 in the Senate and 63-34 in the Assembly (with two vacant seats in each chamber).

Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald said in July that Senate Republican­s had the votes and “stand ready” to overturn the first emergency declaratio­n and mask mandate.

That put the onus on Vos, who said in his Sept. 22 statement, “No one branch of government can rule outside the letter of the law and go unchecked, even during a pandemic.” But Vos has not taken action to be that check.

It’s unclear whether Assembly Republican­s are fractured on the issue, or if other political considerat­ions are at play — such as not wanting to put members on record with a vote in the midst of a volatile election year. A Vos spokeswoma­n did not respond to a request for comment.

State Sen. Steve Nass, R-Whitewater, even issued a statement criticizin­g the inaction of Vos and others in his party, saying Vos “has enabled the continuing illegal conduct of Governor Evers in issuing repeated emergency declaratio­ns and a failed statewide mask mandate.”

Our ruling

Larson said in a tweet that the Republican­s who control the Legislatur­e “have the power to overturn the order by joint resolution and they refuse to do it.”

That’s correct. Republican­s have the majority in both houses and the power under state statute. Whatever the reason, they have not acted to end the governor’s state of emergency and accompanyi­ng mask mandate.

We rate this claim True.

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