Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Sickening politics


They say it’s not about the masks (“Evers extends statewide mask mandate,” Sept. 23)?

But of course it is, or they wouldn’t care. So instead they hide behind the Constituti­on to make it seem like they care. Yes, the Constituti­on says government cannot force you to do anything against your will. However, when something you choose not to do can harm to someone else, like not wearing a mask, all bets are off.

It is such a small inconvenie­nce to wear one to walk in and out of a restaurant and through a store, with the tradeoff being mammoth. Unless, of course, you buy into the partisan politics argument. Yes, we have a Democratic governor in office; that explains it all. If a Republican were in Madison doing the same thing, they would be cheering him on, and thanking him.

The partisan politics in this country are sickening.

Jeffrey Wekwejt



Judge Conley ignored the law

On Sept. 21, U.S. District Judge William Conley, an Obama appointee, ruled that Wisconsin absentee ballots postmarked by Nove. 3 can be accepted until Nov. 9, a full six days after the election (“Judge gives state’s voters more time,” Sept. 22).

This is a classic example of a judge ignoring the law and legislatin­g from the bench. The rules for absentee voting in Wisconsin clearly state that all absentee ballots must be received by your municipal clerk no later than 8 p.m. on Election Day. With the election a full six weeks away, there is plenty of time for all eligible Wisconsin voters to meet the Nov. 3 deadline.

The arbitrary and arrogant ruling by Conley has destroyed our election integrity and stolen from the people of Wisconsin election night results for no reason. The decision has to be appealed and overturned, and highlights the importance of appointing judges that uphold the law, not write it.

John Ellis


Give me a break

Through life’s ups and downs, despite occasional policy differences with whomever happens to be in power, our trusted institutio­ns have always allowed Americans a basic feeling of normalcy wherein we have a framework to recognize the world around us. I really miss that.

I don’t like how things are these days. I don’t like the nonstop adrenaline drip. I don’t like the chaos of being gaslighted, having “leaders” try to convince me that what I can clearly see is actually false. I don’t like being told not to trust anything, from post office delivery to my ballot being counted. Whoever had to even think about such things?

My nerves need a break.

Rob Lilly Fox Point

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