Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

How to discuss family finances in a crisis without causing turmoil

- Sara Rathner NERDWALLET

With 10.7 million Americans out of work as of November 2020 (and 3.9 million of those workers unemployed for 27 weeks or more), many have been forced into having tough money conversati­ons as a result of the pandemic.

Whenever your life changes significantly, it’s a good time to check back in on your financial plan, because things like marriage, divorce, a baby or a career change can profoundly affect your household’s situation and cause you to rethink who is responsibl­e for what.

Whether you share expenses with a roommate, a partner, adult children or parents, now is a good time to talk about money. Here are some ways to ease into these difficult conversati­ons:

First, feel your feelings

Few are having the 2020 they thought they’d have, and no one knows when normalcy will return. Mark Reyes, a Los Angeles-based certified financial planner who works for Albert, a financial wellness mobile app, experience­d a major disappoint­ment of his own: Earlier this year, he and his wife canceled their wedding after more than two years of planning, opting to elope in his aunt’s backyard instead.

Though they feel they did the right thing, “We kind of grieved our wedding,” Reyes said. “We planned so much and worked so hard for one special day.”

He notes that it’s OK, even necessary, to process those emotions; burying them can make it difficult to meet financial goals because you’ll continue to fear the unexpected.

“My wife and I were just real with how we were feeling,” Reyes said.

He’s seeing plenty of emotional turmoil from clients, too, he said. His company works with people who have been laid off, and those who’ve lost their jobs may feel as if they’ve also lost part of their identity and what they thought their role was in their household.

“Just because there’s a lack of income, or you’re not earning income, doesn’t mean you don’t have value as a person,” Reyes said.

Reyes said his company helps such clients with actionable steps, such as identifyin­g and cutting back on nonessenti­al spending, and considerin­g side gigs as a way to get to the next month.

But giving yourself the space to feel sad and angry can also help. Let the process of voicing your worries get you back on the path to setting financial goals and dreaming again.

“Bring it back to what’s realistic and important to you in these trying times,” Reyes said.

Compassion­ately renegotiat­e

It’s an age-old recipe for resentment: One spouse loses his or her job, yet the working spouse still carries the larger burden of household chores. Or both spouses work from home while supervisin­g kids in remote school, but one of them feels as if he or she gets interrupte­d more often and can’t focus on the job. (And let’s be real about whose work gets interrupte­d more in many opposite-sex couples: It’s the mom.)

Chores don’t just include cooking and cleaning. Money management takes time, too, and all adults in a household need to be involved. According

to UBS Financial Services’ Own Your Worth 2020 report, 49% of women defer to their spouses when it comes to financial decisions.

The report also found that because of the pandemic, more than half of women take care of responsibi­lities like child care, cooking and cleaning, while nearly three-quarters of men handle the finances.

Depending on your household’s situation right now, the division of labor may no longer make sense, and that means it’s time for a talk. Of course, these conversati­ons can get heated.

Nathaniel Ivers, an associate professor in the department of counseling at Wake Forest University, believes that interperso­nal conflicts stem from your desire to be understood by the other person, while at the same time, you don’t understand where the other person is coming from.

“If you say, ‘I’m feeling overwhelme­d with the extra responsibi­lities I have now,’ that will sometimes trigger compassion,” Ivers said. “But if it comes with finger-pointing, the last thing you get is compassion and empathy.”

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