Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

2020 wasn’t all bad. Here are good things that happened to Wisconsini­tes.

- Amy Schwabe

By most measures, 2020 has not been a good year.

The COVID-19 pandemic has sickened millions, taken more than 300,000 American lives, stolen jobs and upended our routines.

But no year is all bad. We asked followers on Journal Sentinel social media to tell us some good things that happened to them this year. Here are some of their answers.

Important milestones

Births, weddings, graduation­s, finding love — all those milestones still happened. The celebratio­ns may have been different (or nonexisten­t), but the year 2020 will be remembered as a birth year or an anniversar­y year for these people.

“I graduated college!”

“I met my girlfriend pre-COVID and we’re gonna be celebratin­g our 9 months next week!”

“I bought a house with my boyfriend!”

“I graduated this year and ready to start college spring 2021.”

“Bought our first house and welcomed baby #2.”

“We brought home an adorable Bernedoodl­e puppy named Jovie.”

“I had my first baby! She has brought so much joy to our lives.”

New hobbies (or more time for old hobbies)

Events, festivals and concerts were canceled. Restaurant­s, stores and sports venues were closed or subject to capacity restrictio­ns. Shutdowns and health advice kept people close to home, with their families. For these people, that meant more time to spend on hobbies and to explore new ones.

“We bought bikes and were on the trails at least twice a week. Good companions­hip and good exercise. I saw parts of Milwaukee I had never seen before.”

“Exploring several of our state parks!”

“Appreciate­d more quality time (socially distanced) in the yard with our neighbors.”

“Met a gal who hubby and I clicked with. She encouraged us to hit the back roads of northern Wisconsin on our Harleys and we’ve become fast friends.”

Silver linings

Virtual schooling, canceled extracurri­cular activities and working from home have caused plenty of problems, from less social interactio­n to a loss of academic progress to too much screen time. But these people have found silver linings as they’ve been forced to spend more time at home.

“An empty calendar! No rushing from one place to the next!!”

“I got to start working from home!” “Able to work from home with my new baby!”

“More time with my cats” “More time at home with my boys and husband”

Simple things seem more precious

Perhaps the most profound “good thing” of 2020 has been a changed outlook for many people, and a greater appreciati­on for things we’ve often taken for granted.

“This year has been life-changing. Emotional beyond words for so many reasons … I never knew I could love so deeply.”

“So far, my partner and I have stayed healthy and kept our jobs. Those are the two things I’m most grateful for.”

“I got a new lease on life. I had open heart surgery and a pacemaker to save my life. I’m grateful for each breath, each heartbeat.”

 ?? COURTESY OF JOLIE BROX ?? Jolie Brox helps her daughters start seeds for their garden. The Brox family has been doing a lot of gardening and yardwork during the coronaviru­s pandemic.
COURTESY OF JOLIE BROX Jolie Brox helps her daughters start seeds for their garden. The Brox family has been doing a lot of gardening and yardwork during the coronaviru­s pandemic.

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