Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Business leaders: We can reduce polarizati­on

- Sarah Hauer

Businesses have the opportunit­y to reduce polarizati­on in communitie­s, Milwaukee leaders said during the Greater Milwaukee Committee’s monthly membership meeting Monday.

“No comment is a very loud comment,” said Bob Feldman, founder of The Dialogue Project, who led the discussion reflecting on the growing pressure for businesses to speak out, especially from their own employee population.

“Some of these issues of 2020, they’re exhausting,” said President and CEO of Versiti Chris Miskel.

Miskel shared how he, and other business executives, were traditiona­lly advised to stay away from controvers­y during his leadership training.

“What might have been appropriat­e a year ago or three years ago or five years ago in a certain environmen­t and context, it may no longer be the appropriat­e action,” Miskel said. “So inaction may be worse.”

The majority of people in the U.S. said it is more difficult with the COVID-19 pandemic and Black Lives Matter movement to have respectful dialogue with people who hold differing views, according to a survey this summer by The Dialogue Project. Politics and race were identified as the hardest subjects to have constructi­ve conversati­ons about in the survey. A workplace is often the place outside of people’s chosen social bubbles of people with similar viewpoints, Feldman said.

The leaders agreed it would benefit businesses, in the long run, to engage in reducing polarizati­on.

“I think more and more, the choice about which companies you want to work with are going to be made on how they’re perceived relative to some of these concepts,” said Children’s Wisconsin President and CEO Peggy Troy.

“When our employees feel like they’re heard and that they matter and that they belong and when we can create an environmen­t for them to be able to participat­e safely, then you have productive teams which result in a culture that will help attract and maintain the best talent in your field,” said President of Bartolotta and Associates Jennifer Bartolotta.

Reducing polarizati­on starts with listening, Feldman said.

“People don’t really listen,” Feldman said during the virtual member meeting. “What they do is just wait for the other person to stop talking so that they can. I try to often say to people, ‘You know, what do you think the odds are that you are going to convert somebody to a different way of thinking? When was the last time that happened to you?”

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