Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Real patriots seek the truth


It’s not enough to be outraged about the desecratio­n of our nation’s Capitol by supporters of President Donald Trump on Jan. 6, and it’s not enough to praise our republic and its resilience — as many politician­s did when they returned to their chambers.

To think that this will be a turning point and that people stoking our divisions will see the light after Jan. 6 is wishful thinking.

The lies that have driven Trump supporters have a life of their own. Racism lives based on lies, even after more than a century of trying to eradicate it.

Blame has to rest with social media, leaders from religious organizati­ons, and elected officials who helped fan the flames by their acceptance of Trump’s constant lying. Many Trump supporters believe in a corrupt “mainstream media” even though the media represents many organizati­ons and individual­s striving to get to the truth. They instead turn to anonymous sources spouting ridiculous conspiracy theories.

To attack this disease, social media needs to be reformed, where not only are the social media companies held responsibl­e for the lies that get disseminat­ed, but people who anonymousl­y lie are held accountabl­e.

If our democracy is to survive, we need a new dedication to the truth using science, data and rational thinking with strong independen­t sources, restoring faith in honest media. The truth does not usually come from anonymous sources.

Most of the demonstrat­ors believe they are patriots, but they are misguided.

The real patriots, in this modern age, seek the truth.

Joseph Geck


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