Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Keep Moving Forward

SECOND PLACE (7TH & 8TH GRADES) Trowbridge, 7th Grade

- BY Bilal Hassan

“If you can’t fly then run if you can’t run, then walk, if you can’t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do keep moving forward.”-MLK. We all have our obstacles, some more than others, but we must move forward at our own pace. This life has many obstacles and it is different for everyone. Whether it’s a financial block, mental block, or physical block everyone has obstacles that are trying to block their goals. But we must keep moving forward. Patience and hard work will certainly make your wishes come true. For example, Covid has affected everyone, but what will we do about it? Will we stay in this mountain of anxiety and depression? Or will we step up and move forward from these difficulti­es? We must collaborat­e to solve this problem. Covid-19 has killed many people and it is truly depressing. And only because people won’t move from the mountain of ignorance. We must keep moving and help and bond with our communitie­s. Move from this mountain of hurt and help each other and our communitie­s. My life has had many difficulti­es, but I won’t give up. I was born with HLHS (Hypoplasti­c Left Heart Syndrome). This affected my family and my physical necessitie­s. I won’t give up though. I’ve been trying to exercise and help my heart get healthy. I cannot use my condition as an excuse. I need to better myself. We all need to better ourselves. There is always room for improvemen­t. This burden that I am not “normal” destroyed me when I was very young. I thought I could never be me, I was always just a frail child with heart problems. I moved from that mountain, though. I now know that I am me, I am strong, I can do anything. I moved from the mountain of sadness and doubt. If I can do it, anyone can. Our mountains might be tall, short, big, small but as long as we put the effort in to move from it, we will truly be ourselves. Happy, carefree, able to do what we want. We need to move from this mountain of ignorance and hatred. If we don’t, every black boy and girl will have the burden of losing their mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers. The officers who killed George Floyd did not move from their mountains. The killers of Ahmaud Arbery did not move from their mountains. The killers of Quawan Charles, a Louisiana teen who was brutally lynched and killed did not move from their mountains. Breonna Taylor’s killers did not move from their mountains. This mountain of hatred will hurt our future people. BLM and Black Power.

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