Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Keep Moving Forward

THIRD PLACE (11th & 12th Grades) Milwaukee Marshall, 11th Grade

- BY Tyra Wilson

The theme of this essay is “Keep Moving Forward,” from Dr. King’s address “Keep Moving the Mountain” given at Spelman College on April 10, 1960. I agree with Dr. King’s assertion that one has to keep pushing, keep moving forward to achieve one’s desired outcome in life. My dream is to be successful in life. I want to finish school here at Milwaukee Marshall. Next, I plan on attending the University of Pennsylvan­ia for my undergradu­ate degree. I want to complete law school and become a lawyer. And If I work really hard, I hope to one day become a Supreme Court Justice.

I believe Dr. King means, no matter what obstacles that a person faces in life, they should keep fighting. Never stop and never give up. There is no instructio­n manual on life or success. So when someone is given an opportunit­y, they should take it. When I fail in my life, that’s okay, I just have to find a different way of doing it but still do it. I never want to stop for obstacles in this race of life. I will keep pushing until I get where I want to be in your life. A place where I am financiall­y set and make a change in this world.

In my life, I struggle with failing. I hate to fail and the feeling of it. If there was something that I could not achieve, I took a step back. Then I realize I can’t stop, I have to keep pushing myself to take that extra step in my life. So I find an alternativ­e way of doing it. If I couldn’t swim, I wasn’t going to avoid water, rather I was going to put on a floaty.

Becoming a lawyer will take hard work and dedication. I will attend college for four years. Then attend law school for three more years and finish the bar exam that will determine if I will become a lawyer or not. As a lawyer, I want to focus on fighting for just my fellow African Americans. There are many men sitting in jail with life sentences based on little to no evidence or from before DNA testing was widespread. The court system is unfair when it comes to blacks and I want to change that. I know with all my dedication I will have a chance to be appointed to the Supreme Court. I will make sure cops who killed unarmed black people unjustly are convicted and sentenced to the maximum time. A lot of nonsupport­ers will try to use the fact that I’m black and a female to stop me. They will try to tear me down and stop me. I will push through every obstacle that life throws at me. If I can’t find an open door I will find a window.

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