Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Clinic created to deal with lasting effects of COVID-19

- Guy Boulton

Laurie Siskiewitz spent a month recovering from COVID-19, and she still has a dry cough in the morning and evenings three months after being diagnosed with the disease.

“What is scary is it affects everybody differently,” she said.

Siskiewitz, who lives in Franklin, is among the COVID-19 patients who are never hospitaliz­ed but who have symptoms that can linger for months.

The symptoms can include extreme fatigue, muscle weakness, shortness of breath, headaches, joint pain, difficulty focusing or concentrat­ing, loss of taste and smell, anxiety and depression. And those are just the more common symptoms.

Physicians are only beginning to understand the potential long-term effects of the COVID-19, and estimates on the number of patients with persistent symptoms vary.

But Ascension Wisconsin has set up a clinic in Oak Creek that will specialize in treating the patients. And Froedtert Health & the Medical College of Wisconsin plan to open a similar clinic this month.

Health systems and academic medical centers throughout the country are doing the same.

“We have to be ready to provide care in a thoughtful, multi-disciplina­ry way,

so that we all can have a better understand­ing of what will come to us in the future,” said Julie Biller, a pulmonolog­ist and professor at the Medical College of Wisconsin.

More than 500,000 people in Wisconsin — and more than 22.5 million people nationwide — have tested posted for COVID-19. Physicians and researcher­s estimate that 5% to10% of them will have symptoms that last more than three weeks and, in some cases, much longer.

Five percent works out to more than 25,000 people in Wisconsin. And some studies have put the number of people who experience prolonged symptoms much higher.

One initial study of 233 patients — of which only eight had been hospitaliz­ed — found that 43.4% reported symptoms that lasted longer than 30 days, and 24.1% still had at least one symptom after 90 days.

Why some patients have prolonged symptoms is unknown. But it can affect people of all ages who initially had relatively mild symptoms.

“We really don’t know who qualifies for being at risk of this,” said Erin O’Tool, a family medicine physician with Ascension Medical Group Wisconsin.

Younger people affected more often

Younger people, though, seem to be more vulnerable. So far, the majority of patients at Ascension Wisconsin’s clinic are younger than 45.

Physicians have yet to come up with a clinical definition for the medical condition — or even a name.

O’Tool, who is part of the staff at Ascension Wisconsin’s new clinic, refers to symptoms that last more than three weeks as “post-acute COVID” and symptoms that last more than 12 weeks as “chronic COVID.”

One of the biggest questions is how long the symptoms will last.

“For other disease states we have decades of data and we have a really good idea of what happens long term,” said Jeff Pothof, an emergency medicine physician and chief quality officer for UW Health. “For COVID-19, our best answer, if we are being honest, is we just don’t know yet.”

Last month, the National Institutes of Health held a virtual conference on long-term medical conditions affecting people who had COVID-19. And the NIH is funding a study involving 37 academic medical centers on the severity and long-term health effects of COVID-19.

Health systems and academic medical centers — including Mount Sinai Health System, University of California­San Francisco, Stanford University Medical Center, UCHealth in Denver, Cleveland Clinic and Northweste­rn Memorial Hospital in Chicago — have or plan to set up clinics for post-COVID-19 patients.

Without question, severe and persistent health problems are more common for patients who have been hospitaliz­ed from COVID-19.

But fewer than four out of 100 patients — roughly 3.5% — end up in the hospital. And most COVID-19 patients recover in a week or so.

In a survey of 270 patients done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 65% reported that they recovered in a median of seven days.

But 35% — more than one in three — reported that they had not returned to their usual health within 14 to 21 days of receiving a positive test result.

Half of the people in that group were under the age of 50.

‘It was just lights out’

Tim Cigelske, 39, was down for 14 or 15 days with COVID-19.

“It was just lights out,” he said. “My whole body felt like it was on fire.”

Cigelske, who lives in Whitefish Bay, had run 12 miles two days in a row right before becoming ill.

“It hit me that fast,” he said. Once the physical symptoms passed, what has been called brain fog set in. His wife, who also had COVID-19 at the same time, experience­d the same symptom.

“We would be in the middle of a sentence,” he said, “and couldn’t come up with what the next word was.”

At times, they would have to point to objects.

That lasted about a week. But Cigelske also lost his senses of smell and taste.

“You don’t realize how much you rely on your sense of smell,” he said.

Cigelske has regained his sense of smell. But he has yet to regain his appetite. He still feels hunger. He just doesn’t want to eat.

His wife and 10-year-old daughter, who also had COVID-19, have the same symptom.

“It’s just the strangest side effect that two months later is affecting us all,” Cigelske said.

He has joined a Facebook group of people who have prolonged recoveries from COVID-19.

“The symptoms,” Cigelske said, “are all over the map.”

Brain fog, trouble rememberin­g words

Siskiewitz also had so-called brain fog from her bout with COVID-19. She briefly could not write in cursive, though she still could print. And she struggled to come up with words.

“Very slow and deliberate writing,” she said. “Trying to think of the next letter to write.”

Her sense of taste also was affected. She still could taste food. It just tasted odd.

Pothof, the emergency physician at UW Health, said the loss of smell and taste is a common symptom. For some patients, it has lasted for six months. And there is a known associatio­n between viral infections and loss of taste and smell.

“It’s not common,” Pothof said. “Why it’s so common with COVID-19 is a novelty. We don’t understand that.”

So-called brain fog is another symptom.

“Fatigue is probably the one that stands out the most,” he said. “They are just not back to normal.”

It also is one of the most worrisome symptoms.

“Chronic fatigue may not kill you, but it completely changes the way you live your life,” Pothof said.

Fatigue and other long-term symptoms affected some people who were infected by the SARS virus in 2003. That virus and the virus that causes COVID-19 are both novel coronaviru­ses. (One is known as SARS-CoV, the other as SAR-CoV-2.)

Other viruses also have been associated with long-term symptoms. Physicians and scientists believe the body’s immune system may be a factor.

“The virus basically convinces the body to attack itself,” Pothof said, “and we think these long-haul symptoms are just an extension of that.”

Multiple specialtie­s needed for care

The range of symptoms is why clinics for post-COVID-19 patients are designed to bring together physicians from multiple specialtie­s.

That’s the model for Ascension Wisconsin’s clinic and the clinic that the Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin network will open later this month.

“This is huge undertakin­g for coordinati­on of care,” said Patricia Golden, a family medicine physician who will help staff the clinic.

Golden began seeing patients with prolonged symptoms from COVID-19 in May, a few months after the pandemic hit Wisconsin. She and O’Tool estimate that combined they have seen more than 40 since then.

The two clinics will determine which specialist­s a patient should see and enable physicians to work together in coming up with treatment plans.

A patient with joint and muscle pain may be referred to a specialist in physical medicine and rehabilita­tion while a patient with fatigue or headaches may be referred to a neurologis­t, said Biller, the pulmonolog­ist and professor at the Medical College of Wisconsin.

Coming up with treatment plans at times could be a challenge.

“We don’t really know what is causing this — what is causing people to have these prolonged symptoms,” said Biller, who will be the director of the clinic for the Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin network.

O’Tool, the family medicine physician with Ascension Medical Group Wisconsin, said the same.

“We are learning as we go,” he said. But just as physicians have learned more about treating severely ill COVID-19 patients who are hospitaliz­ed, physicians hope to learn more about patients with prolonged symptoms. For now, what is known is some people who were never hospitaliz­ed, for reasons that are unknown, can have symptoms that persist for months.

“We are trying to figure out how to get our hands around that problem,” O’Tool said, “and provide them with an avenue of care.”

showing Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
MARK HOFFMAN/ MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL Dr. Erin O’Tool wears a mask showing Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
 ?? MARK HOFFMAN/MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL ?? Family practice physician Erin O’Tool meets online with Ascension Wisconsin’s post-acute COVID Care multidisci­plinary team last month.
MARK HOFFMAN/MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL Family practice physician Erin O’Tool meets online with Ascension Wisconsin’s post-acute COVID Care multidisci­plinary team last month.

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