Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Gathering calls for rejection of COPS grant

- Alison Dirr Contact Alison Dirr at 414-224-2383 or Follow her on Twitter @AlisonDirr.

Community members gathered Monday in Milwaukee’s Red Arrow Park to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and to push for change both immediate and long-term.

“His dream didn’t die,” ReBecca Burrell of The Peoples Revolution Milwaukee, an activist group formed out of demonstrat­ions here, told the crowd. “It’s being made manifest.”

She cited the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol by supporters of outgoing President Donald Trump, saying things in America are going to get worse. But she urged those gathered to “continue to love on each other, continue to lift each other up because collective­ly we will continue in this movement.”

King’s fight for equality and an end to systemic racism continues to this day, organizer Brandon Wilborn, 19, of Milwaukee said Monday as he stood at the downtown park where Dontre Hamilton, a Black man, was fatally shot by a Milwaukee police officer in 2014.

On Wilborn’s mind, too, were comparison­s between the law enforcemen­t response to the riot at the U.S. Capitol by primarily white supporters of Trump versus strong police responses to Black Lives Matter demonstrat­ions over police killings of unarmed Black men and women.

“It’s a different response for a different crowd,” he told the Journal Sentinel.

Those gathered Monday also called for the Milwaukee Common Council to reject a nearly $10 million federal grant that would allow the Police Department to hire 30 more officers and dedicate senior officers to Operation Legend, a program aimed at addressing violent crime.

Last month, the council rejected the grant but left open the possibilit­y of reconsider­ing that action at its meeting that begins at 9 a.m. Tuesday.

Common Council members have been under pressure from members of the community, including The Peoples Revolution Milwaukee, to reject the grant while police and Mayor Tom Barrett have pushed for its approval.

“Today we join our youth in celebratin­g the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,” The Peoples Revolution Milwaukee said on its Facebook page in promoting Monday’s demonstrat­ion. “We honor his legacy by carrying his work forward in this movement for justice.”

“We stand in the tradition of Dr. King in our opposition to the COPS grant.”

Kamila Ahmed, 28, of Milwaukee said King gave a voice to the voiceless and made it easier for people to get engaged.

She wanted those who saw the demonstrat­ion Monday to think about how they can get civically involved and ask questions of their local, state and federal government­s.

And she raised questions about the federal policing grant, saying she was concerned about the council’s lack of control over how the money would be used and the long-term fiscal effects of taking on more police officers. And, she said, police don’t prevent crime but rather arrive after the fact to solve it.

“What Milwaukee really needs is prevention,” she said.

Wilborn called it “ridiculous” that police would seek the additional funding and staff, saying the city is already overpolice­d.

If members of the Common Council vote to accept the grant Tuesday, he said, the message he will hear is that “the community’s opinion does not matter, it just doesn’t matter.”

“What Milwaukee really needs is prevention.” Kamila Ahmed Milwaukee

 ?? MIKE DE SISTI/MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL ?? ReBecca Burrell, right, of Milwaukee, speaks as part of the Peoples Revolution Milwaukee gathering to honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on MLK Day at Red Arrow Park Monday.
MIKE DE SISTI/MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL ReBecca Burrell, right, of Milwaukee, speaks as part of the Peoples Revolution Milwaukee gathering to honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on MLK Day at Red Arrow Park Monday.

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