Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Biden’s financial oversight nominees back regulation

Chopra and Gensler have worked for tighter controls

- Marcy Gordon and Zeke Miller

WASHINGTON – President-elect Joe Biden is set to nominate Rohit Chopra as the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, tapping a progressiv­e ally of Sen. Elizabeth Warren to helm the agency whose creation she championed.

Chopra, a commission­er at the Federal Trade Commission, helped launch the agency after the 2008 financial crisis and served as deputy director, where he sounded the alarm about skyrocketi­ng levels of student loan debt. Democrats are eyeing ways to provide student loan relief to millions of Americans as part of a COVID-19 relief package.

Biden announced the move Monday, along with his intent to nominate Gary Gensler, a former chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, as the next chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Gensler, a former Goldman Sachs banker, tightened oversight of the complex financial transactio­ns that helped cause the Great Recession.

Biden’s choice of an expert with experience as a strong markets regulator during the financial crisis to lead the SEC signals a goal of turning the Wall Street watchdog agency toward an activist role after a deregulato­ry stretch during the Trump administra­tion.

Gensler, now a professor of economics and management at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, was an assistant treasury secretary in the Clinton administra­tion and later headed the CFTC during Barack Obama’s tenure. Having worked for nearly 20 years at Wall Street powerhouse Goldman Sachs, Gensler surprised many by being a tough regulator of big banks as CFTC chairman.

Gensler was chief financial officer for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidenti­al campaign against Donald Trump and an economic adviser to Barack Obama in his 2008 presidenti­al bid.

Jay Clayton, a former Wall Street lawyer who has headed the SEC during the Trump administra­tion, has presided over a deregulato­ry push to soften rules affecting Wall Street, as Trump pledged when he took office. Rules under the Dodd-Frank law that tightened the reins on banks and Wall Street in the wake of the 2008-09 financial crisis and the Great Recession were nipped.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was created at Warren’s behest as an independen­t agency by the DoddFrank law. Its director was given broad latitude to act alone, without winning agreement from members of an agency board.

While it enforces consumer-protection laws, the CFPB also gained powers to scrutinize the practices of virtually any business selling financial products and services. Chopra was a deputy to its first director, Richard Cordray, as the agency undertook enforcemen­t actions against an array of companies large and small, and returned tens of billions of dollars to consumers harmed by illegal practices.

The CFPB became a keen target of conservati­ve Republican­s. President Donald Trump named then-White House budget director Mick Mulvaney as acting director of the CFPB when Cordray left in November 2017.

Mulvaney had been a vocal critic of the consumer agency and made deep changes to it, softening regulation­s on payday loans, for example, and pulling back on enforcemen­t efforts. The agency has been led by Trump appointee Kathy Kraninger since December 2018.

As one of two Democratic commission­ers on the five-member Federal Trade Commission, Chopra has been an outspoken critic of practices by big companies, especially tech giant Facebook.

 ?? SUSAN WALSH/AP FILE ?? Rohit Chopra, Joe Biden's pick to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, has been an outspoken critic of practices by big companies, especially tech giant Facebook.
SUSAN WALSH/AP FILE Rohit Chopra, Joe Biden's pick to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, has been an outspoken critic of practices by big companies, especially tech giant Facebook.

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