Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

ICE nearly releases three sex abuse convicts in error

- Nomaan Merchant and Paul J. Weber

AUSTIN, Texas – U.S. Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t was prepared to release three men convicted of sex offenses against children, Texas officials said, in an apparent misapplica­tion by authoritie­s of enforcemen­t directives from President Joe Biden’s administra­tion.

The three were not released after discussion­s in recent weeks between the state prison system and immigratio­n authoritie­s. But the process of keeping them in custody raised alarms that ICE was declining to detain convicts contrary to immigratio­n law, officials said.

ICE has dropped “detainer” requests against 26 people in Texas in recent weeks, said Jason Clark, chief of staff at the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Immigratio­n authoritie­s issue detainers to local or state law enforcemen­t agencies holding a person who is potentiall­y in the U.S. illegally. When a person in the U.S. illegally completes their sentence for a crime, ICE can seek to take them into immigratio­n custody.

In previous years, including under the administra­tions of Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump, ICE would not drop that many detainers from the Texas prison system in a year, Clark said.

Most of the 26 were convicted of drug charges or drunken-driving offenses, according to state records obtained by the Associated Press. But two were convicted of sexually assaulting a teenager and a third was convicted of indecency with a child.

“Our concern is that you have individual­s that have offenses in which we believe they would pose a public safety threat,” Clark said. “And so dropping the detainer, in turn, is threatenin­g public safety and we expressed that to immigratio­n officials.”

On Biden’s first day in office, the Department of Homeland Security issued a memorandum directing immigratio­n agencies to focus their enforcemen­t efforts on three categories: threats to national security, threats to public safety, and immigrants who entered the U.S. illegally on or after Nov. 1. The memorandum was a departure from practice during Trump’s administra­tion in which immigratio­n agencies were given wide latitude on who to arrest, detain, and deport.

But people convicted of sex offenses against minors still qualify for enforcemen­t. The memorandum defines public safety threats as incarcerat­ed people “who have been convicted of an ‘aggravated felony’ ” as defined by a specific section of immigratio­n law. That section begins: “The term aggravated felony means ... murder, rape, or sexual abuse of a minor.”

Word of the impending release of one of the men led Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to tweet on Feb. 5 that “Biden’s immigratio­n policy is threatenin­g safety in Texas.” The Republican governor’s widely shared post alleged that a prisoner convicted of child sex assault should have been transferre­d to ICE custody, but “Biden is releasing him into our community.”

The man to whom Abbott was referring, Jose Lara-Lopez, was transferre­d directly from the state prison system to ICE on Tuesday. He pleaded guilty two years ago in Houston to sexually assaulting a teenager.

An Abbott spokespers­on said in a statement: “Last Friday, the Governor was alerted to ICE’s intention not to uphold an ICE detainer under federal law. We are happy that ICE decided to change course and put our communitie­s’ safety and our nation’s laws first.”

Juan Marroquin Vega, convicted of indecency with a child, was also transferre­d to immigratio­n custody, Texas officials said. The parole approval of Luis Manuel Almanza, who was convicted of sexually assaulting a teenager, was rescinded after ICE dropped the detainer against him, and is now set to remain in prison for at least another year, according to the state.

ICE declined to comment Friday on whether it had initially dropped detainers on the men convicted of sex crimes. In a statement, the agency said it “makes arrest and custody determinat­ions on a case-by-case basis, based on the totality of the circumstan­ces and does so in compliance with federal law and agency policy.”

Applicatio­n of the memorandum appears to be uneven across the country, with immigratio­n lawyers in other states reporting that ICE has declined to release immigrants the lawyers believe should be newly allowed to go free.

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