Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Airstrikes test US role as world’s police

- Kim Hjelmgaard

Pentagon airstrikes against Iranbacked militias in Syria are not only the first military action taken by President Joe Biden. They are a test of his broad pledge to pursue a foreign policy that is more cooperativ­e and mindful of internatio­nal partners than his predecesso­r’s but still eschews the U.S. role as the world’s police to focus on making life better for Americans, some experts and lawmakers say.

Biden on Thursday night ordered the airstrikes on multiple facilities at a Syrian-Iraqi border control point in southeaste­rn Syria in retaliatio­n for rocket attacks on U.S. targets in neighborin­g Iraq. The Pentagon identified the targets as a “number of Iranian-backed militant groups including Kataib Hezbollah and Kataib Sayyid al-Shuhada.” It called the airstrikes “proportion­ate” and “defensive” and said the airstrikes were taken after consultati­on with coalition partners and unspecified “diplomatic measures.”

The military action comes as Washington and Tehran are locked in apparent stalemate over who should take the first step to revitalize a nuclear deal exited by the Trump administra­tion; as Biden has vowed to recalibrat­e national security actions to favor the middle class; and as reporting from USA TODAY has revealed the voluminous scale of U.S. overseas military bases and counterter­ror operations two decades after 9/11.

“We are concerned that President Biden’s

first instinct when it comes to regional security in the Middle East appears to be to reach for military options instead of diplomacy,” said Ryan Costello, director of The National Iranian American Council, an organizati­on that seeks improved relations between Washington and Tehran.

“Biden wanted to respond to the incident in Iraq,” said Max Abrahms, a professor of political science and public policy at Northeaste­rn University, “but he wanted to do it in a way that didn’t seem too heavy-handed ... the more fundamenta­l question that needs to be asked, and isn’t, is what are Iranian militias doing in Iraq? The answer is they are there partly because the U.S. toppled (Iraq’s former president) Saddam Hussein.”

Abrahms said the Biden administra­tion is trying to balance the instincts of veteran national security officials and diplomats such as Secretary of State Antony Blinken – Obama administra­tion-era officials who have long gravitated toward military interventi­ons and regime change from Syria to Venezuela – with “the zeitgeist of the American citizenry, which has moved over the course of the Trump administra­tion.”

He described this “zeitgeist,” which is backed up by polling that shows many Americans are most concerned about economic and security threats closer to home, as “a more limited role for the United States in the world, a greater delineatio­n of where our vital interests lie and a skepticism of a democracy-promoting agenda.”

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