Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Promotion delayed for sergeant in Jude case

- Elliot Hughes

The Milwaukee police sergeant who was accused of participat­ing in a “code of silence” culture after the 2004 beating of Frank Jude will have to interview with the Fire and Police Commission before securing his promotion to lieutenant.

Sgt. Bradley Blum was one of five names up for promotion to lieutenant Thursday, but the commission unanimousl­y decided to table his promotion for two weeks, after it gets the chance to interview him in private.

In addition, the commission on Thursday tabled a discussion about removing an exception to the Milwaukee Police Department’s use-of-force policy that allows for officers to use a chokehold only in a life-or-death situation.

Blum was fired in 2005 for gross neglect of duty and failing to protect Jude as off-duty officers beat him outside of a Bay View party, but the commission overturned his terminatio­n and instead imposed two 60-day suspension­s.

Blum was promoted to sergeant six years ago under similar circumstan­ces. The commission back then tabled his promotion for two weeks and met with then-Chief Edward Flynn in a closed session meeting.

His promotion was approved 4-1, with two votes in his favor coming from Fred Crouther and Ann Wilson, who remain on the commission today.

Lieutenant­s often act as a shift commander or unit supervisor under the direction of their captain or another highrankin­g officer, according to the Milwaukee Police Department. They are also given training and disciplina­ry responsibi­lities for personnel under their command.

Blum was not charged in Jude’s beating, but his testimony during the ensuing legal proceeding­s drew accusation­s that he participat­ed in a “code of silence” culture to protect other officers who were charged.

During the state criminal trial of three off-duty officers, Blum contradict­ed four other witnesses and said he never saw anyone kick or assault Jude. He said he was 30 feet from where the attack happened and saw two or three punches and nothing else. The Milwaukee County district attorney at the time called his testimony “prepostero­us.”

In a deposition for a civil case regarding the beating, Blum invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incriminat­ion over the course of an hour. The only question he answered was his name.

The district attorney and Jude’s lawyer, Jonathan Safran, both said Blum seemed to be part of a “code of silence” culture within the police department.

Commission considers complete chokehold ban

In December, the commission unanimousl­y approved a series of changes to the police department’s standard operating procedure about the use of force. Among those changes was a ban on chokeholds, unless officers are caught in a life-or-death situation.

Thursday, the commission discussed the possibilit­y of removing that exception, but tabled a possible vote on the matter until its March 18 meeting.

Many police department­s in the U.S., especially after a Minneapoli­s police officer knelt on the neck of George Floyd and killed him last spring, have banned the use of chokeholds. But it’s not clear how prevalent complete bans are, with no exceptions for self-defense, according to Nancy La Vigne, the executive director of the Council on Criminal Justice.

The national Eight Can’t Wait campaign, which advocates for tighter useof-force policies, recommends complete bans on chokeholds.

At least half of the commission said they support a complete ban. But Acting Police Chief Jeffrey Norman, who is a lawyer, said a complete ban would conflict with state law that allows citizens to use deadly force, with no limitation­s, as self-defense.

During an hourlong discussion, Norman repeatedly said that he felt it would be challengin­g to limit what an officer can do if they are in a struggle for their life. He emphasized, however, that chokeholds are not acceptable in general, and called them “ugly.”

In December, when the commission passed its ban with the exception, there was no pushback from police officials or from the Milwaukee Police Associatio­n, the union representa­tion rank-and-file officers.

Dale Bormann Jr., the president of the union, called the proposal “a major issue” and said he plans to fight it.

“We’re against chokeholds, but not as a last resort,” he said. “I’m going to use whatever means that I have to save my own life. I expect other people to do the same thing too, civilians or suspects. They’re going to do whatever it takes to protect that.”

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