Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Virginia police officer fired after using pepper spray at traffic stop

- John Bacon

A Virginia police officer accused of pepper-spraying a Black and Latino military officer and forcing him to the ground during a traffic stop in December has been fired, a Town of Windsor official said.

Army Lt. Caron Nazario has filed suit seeking more than $1 million against police officers Joe Gutierrez and Daniel Crocker, and video from the officers’ body cameras and Nazario’s cellphone went viral last week.

Windsor, with a population of 2,600, has a police force of about a half dozen officers, according to the town’s website. Following an internal investigat­ion, Gutierrez was fired and additional officer training was implemente­d, Windsor Town Manager William Saunders said in a statement Sunday.

“The Town has also requested an investigat­ion of this event by the Virginia State Police, and joins with elected officials who have called for a full and complete review of the actions of these officers,” Saunders said, adding that “we are saddened for events like this to cast our community in a negative light.”

Virginia’s governor, attorney general, a congressma­n and the NAACP were among those expressing outrage at the actions of Windsor police officers in recent days.

A police report from the stop indicates the officers stopped Nazario because he did not have a rear license plate on his new SUV, although the report adds that after stopping the vehicle they saw a temporary plate taped to a window.

Video shows the officers ordering Nazario, who was in uniform, to exit his vehicle outside a gas station as he held his hands up through the driver’s side window. Nazario said he was afraid to get out of the SUV and was blasted with pepper spray and forced to the ground.

Later in the tape, the officers say they will let Nazario go if he remained quiet about the incident, but that he would face additional charges if he complained. Nazario was later released at the scene and not charged.

Gov. Ralph Northam issued a statement Sunday saying the incident “is disturbing and angered me.” He ordered the State Police to investigat­e.

The state NAACP highlighte­d an exchange during which Nazario says he is “honestly afraid to get out” of his vehicle. The officer then responds: “Yeah, you should be.”

“We watched with horror the socalled traffic stop in Windsor,” Virginia NAACP President Robert N. Barnette Jr. said. “The fact that an officer who is supposed to ‘protect and serve’ felt emboldened enough to state this is the root of the problem. This isn’t the first officer we have seen without fear of consequenc­es for their actions.”

The group called for a special session of the Virginia General Assembly to pass a bill that would make it easier for people to sue police officers and their agencies in civil court for civil rights violations.

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