Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

DOJ targets extremists in federal law enforcemen­t

- Ben Fox

WASHINGTON – The Justice Department has begun an internal review to determine how to remove any extremists from within federal law enforcemen­t following the arrest of current and former police officers for their involvemen­t in the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, Attorney General Merrick Garland said Wednesday.

Garland, in response to a question during a Senate hearing, described a review that was in its early stages and is complicate­d by the need to avoid violating the First Amendment rights of Justice Department employees.

The deputy attorney general, Lisa Monaco, “has met with the heads of all of our law enforcemen­t agencies to determine how we can carefully vet our own employees,” he told the Senate Appropriat­ions Committee.

It was a notable disclosure considerin­g that the Justice Department is charged with enforcing federal civil rights laws and oversees the FBI, which is the lead agency in charge of investigat­ing the growing threat posed by violent domestic extremists.

It is also potentiall­y tricky legal ground because of the risk of intrusion on personal beliefs that are protected under the Constituti­on.

Garland described those competing interests as “being mindful of First Amendment free associatio­nal rights, but at the same time being careful that we don’t have people in our ranks who commit criminal acts or who are not able to carry out their duties.”

The Department of Homeland Security last month announced a similar review aimed at determinin­g the extent of any presence of violent extremists within its ranks. Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who also testified at Wednesday’s hearing on the broader efforts by their agencies to address the growing threat from extremism, told the committee that the results of that analysis would be publicly released.

The attorney general’s disclosure of an internal review came in response to a question from Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin about the arrest of a retired New York Police Department officer, Thomas Webster, in the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol in which supporters of President Donald Trump sought to force Congress to overturn the results of the November election. Webster, who was captured on video tackling a police officer and striking him with a metal flagpole, was charged with six counts.

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