Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Chief of US teachers union ‘all in’ on full fall reopening

- Collin Binkley

The president of the American Federation of Teachers called Thursday for a full return to in-person learning in the fall, saying the union is “all in” on bringing students back to the classroom.

In prepared remarks obtained by The Associated Press, Randi Weingarten says the availabili­ty of vaccines and an infusion of federal education money have removed many obstacles that prevented schools from opening.

“Conditions have changed,” Weingarten says in remarks for an address on social media. “We can and we must reopen schools in the fall for in-person teaching, learning and support. And keep them open. Fully and safely, five days a week.”

If local unions heed her call, it would be seen as a major stride in the effort to reopen schools. Teachers unions have been blamed for slowing the process with demands for a variety of safety measures.

Weingarten said vaccines have been the decisive factor in her vision for a fall reopening. President Joe Biden in March ordered states to prioritize teachers in vaccinatio­n rollouts, and by the end of that month, federal health officials said 80% of school workers had been given their first shot.

“The fear that they will bring the virus home decreases the moment they get their shot,” Weingarten wrote. Surveys by the union find that 89% of its 1.7 million members have been fully vaccinated or want to be, she says in her remarks.

Still, Weingarten isn’t suggesting a quick return to the type of schooling students knew before the pandemic.

Schools should continue with mask requiremen­ts, social distancing, contact tracing and other measures recommende­d by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, she writes.

“It’s not risk free,” Weingarten says. “But we can manage the threat by encouragin­g people to get vaccines and following guidance from the CDC.”

The union will continue to push for 3 feet of space between students in classrooms, which the CDC recommende­d in March after reducing it from 6 feet. Weingarten said schools should work over the summer to “find adequate space” to maintain smaller classes through next school year.

A $1.9 trillion aid package that Biden signed in March included $123 billion to help schools reopen and recover from the pandemic. Weingarten, who endorsed Biden, wrote his administra­tion has been “fighting the pandemic with science, truth, transparen­cy and, yes, money.”

“The United States will not be fully back until we are fully back in school. And my union is all in,” she says.

The CDC has been saying since February that schools can safely reopen with certain safety measures, but many of the nation’s largest districts have remained mostly or entirely online. The latest federal data found that, in March, 54% of public elementary and middle schools were offering five days a week of in-person instructio­n to all students.

Even in districts that have reopened, many students have opted to stay at home, including a disproport­ionate share of nonwhite students. Weingarten is suggesting that schools create committees of parents and teachers to tackle safety issues.

 ?? JESSICA CHRISTIAN/SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE VIA AP ?? Second-grader Ernesto Beltran Pastrana attends the first day of partial in-person instructio­n at Garfield Elementary School in Oakland, Calif., on March 30.
JESSICA CHRISTIAN/SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE VIA AP Second-grader Ernesto Beltran Pastrana attends the first day of partial in-person instructio­n at Garfield Elementary School in Oakland, Calif., on March 30.

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