Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Paris police fire tear gas on Palestinia­n march

Israel’s Gaza airstrikes protested across Europe

- Elaine Ganley and Boubkar Benzabat

PARIS – French riot police fired tear gas and used water cannons Saturday as protesters supporting Palestinia­ns in the Gaza Strip defied a ban on marching in the French capital.

Thousands of people marched peacefully in other cities in France and elsewhere in Europe – including in London, Rome, Brussels and Madrid – to highlight the plight of the Palestinia­ns.

In Paris, protesters scattered and played cat-and-mouse with security forces in the city’s northern neighborho­ods after their starting point for a planned march was blocked.

Paris Police Chief Didier Lallement had ordered 4,200 security forces into the streets and closed shops around the kick-off point for the march in a working-class neighborho­od after an administra­tive court confirmed the ban because of fears of violence. Authoritie­s noted that a banned July 2014 proPalesti­nian protest In Paris against an Israeli offensive in Gaza degenerate­d into violence to justify the order against Saturday’s march.

Organizers sought to “denounce the latest Israeli aggression­s” and mark the fleeing of Palestinia­ns after Israel declared independen­ce in 1948. “Stop Annexation. Palestine Will Vanquish,” read one poster in a small crowd facing off with police.

Protesters shifted from neighborho­od to neighborho­od in Paris as police closed in on them, sometimes with tear gas and water cannons, and police said 44 people were arrested. In a lengthy standoff, protesters pelted a line of security forces with projectile­s before police pushed them to the edge of northern Paris.

“We don’t want scenes of violence. We don’t want a conflict imported to French soil,” government spokesman Gabriel Attal said.

Anger over the Israeli offensive in Gaza drew protests elsewhere in Europe on Saturday. Thousands marched on the Israeli Embassy in London to protest Israel’s attacks, which included an airstrike that flattened a 12-story building in Gaza that housed media outlets, including the Associated Press.

Demonstrat­ors chanting “Free Palestine!” marched through London’s Hyde Park and gathered outside the embassy gates, watched by a large number of police. Organizers demanded that the British government stop its military and financial support to Israel.

Husam Zumlot, head of the Palestinia­n mission to the U.K., told the crowd that “this time is different.”

“This time we will not be denied any more. We are united. We have had enough of oppression,” he said.

In the Netherland­s, a few hundred people in The Hague braved the cold and rain to listen to speeches and wave Palestinia­n flags on a central square outside the Dutch parliament building. On Friday night, Dutch police briefly detained about 100 pro-Palestinia­n demonstrat­ors in the city of Utrecht because they were not social distancing.

In other French cities, large pro-Palestinia­n crowds marched peacefully Saturday in Strasbourg in the east and Marseille on the Mediterran­ean Sea. Demonstrat­ions were also held in several German cities and in Brussels, host to the European Union. In Madrid, protesters chanted “This is not war, this is genocide!” in Spanish, with some people holding up homemade signs that read ““USA Terrorist State” and “Muslim Lives Matter.”

In Berlin, police broke up a pro-Palestinia­n protest of 3,500 people for failure to comply with coronaviru­s distancing rules. Protesters responded by throwing stones, bottles and fireworks.

 ?? THOMAS COEX/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Protesters in Paris stand in front of a water cannon during a demonstrat­ion in solidarity with the Palestinia­ns on Saturday.
THOMAS COEX/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Protesters in Paris stand in front of a water cannon during a demonstrat­ion in solidarity with the Palestinia­ns on Saturday.

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