Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

China lands its 1st spacecraft on Mars


BEIJING – China landed a spacecraft on Mars for the first time on Saturday, a technicall­y challengin­g feat more difficult than a moon landing, in the latest step forward for its ambitious goals in space.

Plans call for a rover to stay in the lander for a few days of diagnostic tests before rolling down a ramp to explore an area of Mars known as Utopia Planitia. It joins an American rover that arrived at the red planet in February.

China’s first Mars landing follows its launch last month of the main section of what will be a permanent space station and a mission that brought back rocks from the moon late last year.

“China has left a footprint on Mars for the first time, an important step for our country’s space exploratio­n,” the official Xinhua News Agency said in announcing the landing on one of its social media accounts.

The U.S. has had nine successful landings on Mars since 1976. The Soviet Union landed on the planet in 1971, but the mission failed after the craft stopped transmitti­ng informatio­n soon after touchdown.

A rover and a tiny helicopter from the American landing in February are exploring Mars. NASA said the rover should collect its first sample in July for return to Earth in a decade.

China has landed on the moon, but landing on Mars is a more difficult undertakin­g. Spacecraft use shields for protection from the searing heat of entering the Martian atmosphere, and use retro-rockets and parachutes to slow enough to prevent a crash landing. The parachutes and rockets must be deployed at precise times to land at the designated spot. Only mini-retrorocke­ts are required for a moon landing, and parachutes alone are sufficient for returning to Earth.

Xinhua said the entry capsule entered the Mars atmosphere at an altitude of 80 miles, initiating what it called “the riskiest phase of the whole mission.”

A 2,150-square-foot parachute was deployed and later jettisoned, and then a retro-rocket was fired to slow the craft to almost zero, Xinhua said. The craft hovered about 330 feet above the surface to identify obstacles before touching down on four buffer legs.

“Each step had only one chance, and the actions were closely linked. If there had been any flaw, the landing would have failed,” said Geng Yan, an official at the China National Space Administra­tion, according to Xinhua.

Touchdown was at 7:18 a.m. Beijing time (7:18 p.m. EDT), although more than an hour passed before ground controller­s could confirm the landing was a success, Xinhua said. The rover had to open its solar panels and antenna, and then it took more than 17 minutes for its signals to traverse the distance between Mars and Earth.

Chinese President Xi Jinping, in a congratula­tory letter to the mission team, called the landing “an important step in our country’s interplane­tary exploratio­n journey, realizing the leap from Earth-moon to the planetary system and leaving the mark of the Chinese on Mars for the first time . ... The motherland and people will always remember your outstandin­g feats!”

NASA Associate Administra­tor Thomas Zurbuchen tweeted his congratula­tions, saying, “Together with the global science community, I look forward to the important contributi­ons this mission will make to humanity’s understand­ing of the Red Planet.”

China’s Mars landing was the top trending topic on Weibo, a leading social media platform, as people expressed excitement and pride.

The Tianwen-1 spacecraft has been orbiting Mars since February, when it arrived after a 61⁄3-month journey from Earth. Xinhua described the mission as China’s first planetary exploratio­n.

The rover, named after the Chinese god of fire Zhurong, was expected to be deployed for 90 days to search for evidence of life. About the size of a small car, it has ground-penetratin­g radar, a laser, and sensors to gauge the atmosphere and magnetic sphere.

China’s space program has proceeded in a more cautious manner than the U.S. and the Soviet Union during the height of their space race.

The launch of the main module for China’s space station in April is the first of 11 planned missions to build and provision the station and send up a threeperso­n crew by the end of next year. Although the module was successful­ly launched, the uncontroll­ed return to Earth of the rocket drew internatio­nal criticism, including from NASA Administra­tor Bill Nelson.

China has said it wants to land people on the moon and possibly build a scientific base there. No timeline has been released for these projects. A space plane is also reportedly under developmen­t.

 ?? JIN LIWANG/XINHUA VIA AP ?? Technician­s work at the Beijing Aerospace Control Center in Beijing on Saturday, when China landed a spacecraft on Mars for the first time.
JIN LIWANG/XINHUA VIA AP Technician­s work at the Beijing Aerospace Control Center in Beijing on Saturday, when China landed a spacecraft on Mars for the first time.

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