Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Mom has lost ability to converse

- Carolyn Hax – Annoyed

Dear Carolyn: Every time I see my mother I wind up feeling like dirt. She lives alone and seems to have lost (or never had) the ability to have a normal conversati­on. She turns everything back to an opportunit­y to praise herself. If I arrive with homemade muffins, she will brag about her own baking abilities, without even saying thank you. If I mention a friend who is getting divorced, she will launch into a monologue about how well she handled her own divorce.

It is clear that I’m supposed to praise her, something I never do to her satisfacti­on. I get annoyed, then she criticizes me for that. She’s a lonely woman with a boring, limited life. How can I let this roll off my back?

Annoyed: Even someone with decent skills would struggle to converse – and lapse helplessly into muffin monologuin­g – at some point in a “boring, limited life.”

Which is, of course, the real problem. People generally don’t get happier or more interestin­g when they lie mentally fallow for any length of time. There’s also the companion to the real problem, which is your … frustratio­n? disgust? contempt? for her letting things get to this point.

I’ve been thinking this a lot lately, with normal daily lives generating too few things to talk about and abnormal daily news generating too many: Sometimes conversati­on is too much to ask. We’re tired and scraping by and spending more time than ever with a smaller circle of people and oh please don’t bring up the news, thank you.

The “better” or “simpler” times to go back to right now might be the ones that actually did exist – where people dug out the Scrabble board or read to each other aloud or played cards. Dust off the pianoforte! (Yes, I’ve read too much Jane Austen.)

Your mom touts her baking abilities, so maybe next time bake muffins together when you get there. Maybe she can teach you her pastry technique or her secrets in making your old favorites. This can satisfy a need to be heard.

If she has (or had) a craft, then ask to do it with her or have her teach it to you.

How’s her memory – can she recount family history? On video? Does she have old photos that need sorting, or priceless recordings in outdated formats?

If not, how about a movie night? Think of what you have to offer each other besides a dissection of each other’s day, and refocus your visits on that, with patience. Less talking, more doing.

This advice hinges on one interpreta­tion of your bad feelings: that you don’t enjoy your mom’s company lately, feel bad about that, feel bad you’re not able to conceal this from her, and feel bad when she lashes out against that with criticism. If the bad feelings run deeper, then playing a board game won’t fix it.

But two people at work on a joint project they both value or enjoy rarely want for things to say, and often the topics are emotionall­y neutral. Making these new memories could be good for your mother’s health, too, not just your relationsh­ip’s.

And companions­hip doesn’t even have to include conversati­on to be companiona­ble. In fact, it can be more so the less you try to say.

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