Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

US jobless claims reach 52-year low

- Paul Wiseman

WASHINGTON – The number of Americans applying for unemployme­nt benefits plunged last week to the lowest level in 52 years, more evidence that the U.S. job market is recovering from last year’s coronaviru­s recession.

Unemployme­nt claims dropped by 43,000 to 184,000, the lowest since September 1969, the Labor Department said Thursday. The four-week moving average, which smooths out week-toweek ups and downs, fell below 219,000, lowest since the pandemic hit the United States hard in March 2020.

Seasonal volatility likely contribute­d to last week’s drop as the Labor Department adjusted the numbers to reflect holiday job market fluctuations, said Stephen Stanley, chief economist at Amherst Pierpont Securities. Before adjustment­s, claims actually rose by nearly 64,000 to almost 281,000.

Still, Stanley said in a research note that “the underlying trend remains downward and should be lower than it was prior to the pandemic ... The unfilled demand for workers is much larger than it was then and layoffs appear to be noticeably lower.”

Overall, just under 2 million Americans were collecting traditiona­l unemployme­nt benefits the week that ended Nov. 27.

Weekly claims, which are a proxy for layoffs, have fallen steadily most of the year since topping 900,000 one week in early January. They are now below to the 220,000-a-week level typical before the coronaviru­s pandemic slammed the U.S. economy in March 2020; COVID-19 forced consumers to stay home as health precaution and businesses to close or reduce hours and to lay off staff. In March and April last year, employers shed 22.4 million jobs.

Massive government aid and the rollout of vaccines helped revive the economy and the job market by giving Americans the confidence and financial wherewitha­l to go on a shopping spree, often online. Since April last year, the U.S. has regained nearly 18.5 million jobs. But the economy is still 3.9 million jobs short of where it stood in February 2020 and the prospects for the economy remain vulnerable to COVID variants such as omicron.

The Labor Department reported last week that employers added a disappoint­ing 210,000 jobs last month. But the report also showed that the unemployme­nt rate dropped to a pandemic low of 4.2% from 4.6% in October.

And the department reported Wednesday that employers posted a near-record 11million job openings in October. It also said that 4.2 million people quit their jobs – just off the September record of 4.4 million – a sign that they are confident enough in their prospects to look for something better.

Until Sept. 6, the federal government had supplement­ed state unemployme­nt insurance programs by paying an extra payment of $300 a week and extending benefits to gig workers and to those who were out of work for six months or more. Including the federal programs, the number of Americans receiving some form of jobless aid peaked at more than 33 million in June 2020.

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