Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Also on this date


In 1898, a treaty was signed in Paris officially ending the Spanish-American War.

In 1950, Ralph J. Bunche was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, becoming the first Black American to receive the award.

In 1964,

Martin Luther King Jr. received his Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, saying he accepted it “with an abiding faith in America and an audacious faith in the future of mankind.”

In 1994, Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin received the Nobel Peace Prize, pledging to pursue their mission of healing the Middle East.

In 1996, South African President Nelson Mandela signed the country’s new constituti­on into law.

In 2005, actor-comedian Richard Pryor died at age 65.

In 2013, South Africa held a memorial service for Nelson Mandela, during which U.S. President Barack Obama energized tens of thousands of spectators with a plea for the world to emulate “the last great liberator of the 20th century.” (The ceremony was marred by the presence of a sign-language interprete­r who deaf advocates said was an impostor waving his arms around meaningles­sly.)

In 2013, General Motors named product chief Mary Barra its new CEO, making her the first woman to run a U.S. car company.

In 2019, House Democrats announced two articles of impeachmen­t against President Donald Trump, declaring that he “betrayed the nation” with his actions toward Ukraine and an obstructio­n of Congress’ investigat­ion; Trump responded with a tweet of “WITCH HUNT!”

Ten years ago: Tens of thousands of Russians staged anti-government protests, charging electoral fraud and demanding an end to Vladimir Putin’s rule.

Five years ago: Donald Trump’s presidenti­al transition team challenged the veracity of U.S. intelligen­ce assessment­s that Russia had tried to tip the November election in his favor.

One year ago: A U.S. government advisory panel endorsed widespread use of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, putting the country one step closer to launching an epic vaccinatio­n campaign. (The Food and Drug administra­tion authorized the vaccine the next day.)

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