Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Fiddle leaf fig can be pruned, and cuttings are capable of growing


Question: I have a fiddle leaf fig tree that is lopsided and getting too big for the space. How I can prune it, and is it possible to start new plants from the portion I remove?

Yes you can prune your fiddle leaf fig. I prefer to prune late winter as the days lengthen and light intensity increases. Make cuts back to a shorter adjoining branch. You can also pinch out the tip of branches that do not need to be shortened to encourage more compact growth.

Root the removed stems in a welldraine­d potting mix or vermiculit­e. Shorter pieces with fewer leaves will lose less moisture and root more readily. Cut the stem to the desired length and remove the lowest leaf. You may want to use a rooting hormone to help increase rooting success. Stick the cut end into the moist rooting media. Loosely cover with a plastic bag to increase humidity and place in a bright location out of direct sunlight. In a couple weeks it should be rooted.

Move the rooted cutting into a container with potting mix if needed. Encourage more even growth on your indoor plants by regularly turning them so each side faces the light source at some time.

Q: I have a magnolia tree that has now lost its leaves and has branches with little fuzzy things on it like pussy willows. The tree needs to be pruned because its branches are leaning over my patio walkway. When should it be pruned.?

You can prune the offending branches now through early spring before growth begins. Pruning after the worst of winter allows you to manage any winter damage while shaping the plant as needed. Early spring pruning allows wounds to close quickly, and pruning right after flowering maximizes your spring flower display.

The fuzzy growths may be flower buds if they appear at the end of branches. Magnolia scale appears as white, somewhat fuzzy bumps along the stems. This insect sucks plant juices and can weaken the tree. Controllin­g this pest can be challengin­g. Horticultu­re oil or insecticid­al soap can be used to treat the immature scale in late August or early September. Make a second applicatio­n 10 to 14 days later. Or apply a dormant oil spray in March before the buds open.

Make sure it is magnolia scale and not the flower buds before treating. As always, read and follow label directions when using any natural, organic or synthetic chemical.

Q: I purchased a spike moss plant for the holidays. It is already starting

to dry. How can I save this plant?

Spike moss (Selaginell­a kraussiana) can be challengin­g. It requires moist, not soggy soil, high humidity and bright indirect light. Your plant grows in normal room temperatur­e but does not tolerate hot or cold temperatur­e extremes.

Browning can result from overly dry soil, low humidity or direct sunlight. Move the plant, adjust watering and boost the humidity as needed. Make sure water is not collecting in the foil wrap or decorative container the potted plant may be displayed in. Remove the foil or decorative container, if needed, and place the pot on a saucer filled with pebbles.

Allow excess water to collect in the gravel tray. As this water evaporates it increases the humidity around the plant. You can also place pebbles in the foil wrap or decorative basket to accomplish the same results. Growing this plant in a terrarium can also increase your success.

Post questions at melindamye­rs. com, or write P.O. Box 798, Mukwonago, WI 53149

 ?? GANNETT FILE PHOTO ?? Fiddle leaf fig trees are popular indoor plants.
GANNETT FILE PHOTO Fiddle leaf fig trees are popular indoor plants.

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