Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Dozens of protesters, 12 police dead in Kazakhstan protests

- Jim Heintz

MOSCOW – Security forces in Kazakhstan killed dozens of protesters and 12 police officers died in an eruption of violence in which demonstrat­ors stormed government buildings and set them on fire, authoritie­s said Thursday.

One police officer was found beheaded in the unrest, which poses a growing challenge to authoritar­ian rule in the former Soviet republic.

Despite the severe response by authoritie­s, protesters took to the streets again Thursday in Almaty, the country’s largest city, a day after breaking into the presidenti­al residence and the mayor’s office there.

Police were also out in force, including in the capital of Nur-Sultan, which was reported quiet, and a Russian-led force of peacekeepi­ng troops was on its way.

Video from the Russian news agency Tass showed police firing intensely on a street near Republic Square, where demonstrat­ors had gathered, though they could not be seen in the footage. Late Thursday, Tass said protesters had been swept from the square but that sporadic gunfire in the area continued.

Earlier, Russia’s Sputnik news service reported that shots were fired as police surrounded a group of about 200 protesters in the city.

In the unrest on Wednesday, “dozens of attackers were liquidated,” police spokeswoma­n Saltanat Azirbek told state news channel Khabar-24. Twelve police officers were killed and 353 injured, the channel reported, citing city officials. The Interior Ministry said 2,000 people were arrested.

Tens of thousands of people, some reported to be carrying clubs and shields, took to the streets in recent days in the worst protests the country has seen since gaining independen­ce from the Soviet Union three decades ago.

The demonstrat­ions began over a near-doubling of prices for a type of vehicle fuel, but seemed to reflect wider discontent in the country, which has been under the rule of the same party since independen­ce.

In a concession, the government on Thursday announced a 180-day price cap on vehicle fuel and a moratorium on utility rate increases. It was unclear what effect the moves would have.

President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has vacillated between trying to mollify the protesters, including accepting the resignatio­n of his government, and promising harsh measures to quell the unrest, which he blamed on “terrorist bands.”

Severe interrupti­ons to internet and cellphone service made it difficult and sometimes impossible for news of what was happening inside Kazakhstan to get out. The airports in Almaty and one other city were shut down.

Worries that a broader crackdown could be on the horizon grew after Tokayev called on a Russia-led military alliance for help.

The alliance, the Collective Security Treaty Organizati­on, includes the former Soviet republics of Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. The operation is its first military action, an indication that Kazakhstan’s neighbors, particular­ly Russia, are concerned that the unrest could spread.

Russia and Kazakhstan share close relations and a 4,700-mile border, much of it along open steppes. Russia’s Baikonur Cosmodrome space center is in Kazakhstan. The CSTO’s general secretary, Stanislav Zas, told Russia’s RIA-Novosti news agency that the full contingent to be sent as peacekeepe­rs would number about 2,500.

He rejected as “complete stupidity” suggestion­s that the troops would act as occupiers rather than peacekeepe­rs. “The sincere wish of our states is real help for Kazakhstan in the difficult situation,” he said.

However, White House press secretary Jen Pasaki said the U.S. has “questions about the nature of this request and whether it was a legitimate invitation or not.”

“The world will, of course, be watching for any violation of human rights and actions that may lay the predicate for the seizure of Kazakh institutio­ns,” she said.

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