Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Challenges against 2 mayoral candidates dismissed

- Hannah Kirby and Alison Dirr

The City of Milwaukee election commission­ers on Monday dismissed challenges filed against two candidates running for mayor in the spring election: Acting Mayor Cavalier Johnson and state Sen. Lena Taylor.

Commission­ers Terrell Martin, Douglas Haag and Chair Patricia RuizCantu also found that enough signatures filed by Ieshuh Griffin were ultimately deemed valid to get her on the ballot. It appeared a week ago that she would fall short of the 1,500 signatures from Milwaukee residents needed to get on the ballot.

“We originally recommende­d six candidates for certification, but on Friday afternoon, we did receive a second corrective affidavit from Ms. Griffin,” said Claire Woodall-Vogg, the Election Commission’s executive director. “So I am recommendi­ng certification of all seven candidates.”

On Jan. 6, Griffin submitted 1,564 signatures, then another 30 on Jan. 10.

The election commission staff reviewed all nomination papers filed, and “where circumstan­ces and time allow,” consult maps, directorie­s and other extrinsic evidence to determine correctnes­s and sufficiency of the informatio­n on the papers, WoodallVog­g said. The staff was able to verify 1,424 of Griffin’s 1,594 signatures.

Griffin ended up filing two corrective affidavits in the following days.

“Ms. Griffin’s affidavit is entitled to a presumptio­n of validity, and although unusual, she has provided accurate correction­s to the electors’ addresses and her affidavit,” WoodallVog­g said. “All addresses have been verified to be within the city of Milwaukee.”

Ultimately, the city’s Election Commission deemed 1,516 of Griffin’s signatures valid, which cleared the threshold for ballot placement.

The order in which candidates’ names will appear on the ballot was also determined Monday and will be: Former Ald. Bob Donovan, Griffin, business owner Michael Sampson, Taylor, Milwaukee County Sheriff Earnell Lucas, Ald. Marina Dimitrijev­ic and Johnson.

The primary will take place Feb. 15 and the general election April 5.

Griffin challenged the nomination papers filed by Johnson and Taylor, arguing the candidates should be removed from the ballot for leaving a “plethora” of nomination papers unattended at a fast food restaurant.

In a written response, Johnson’s campaign denied the allegation and said the nomination papers Griffin posted on social media were not submitted to the Milwaukee Election Commission.

Taylor’s campaign also denied the allegation, saying she had no knowledge of the forms being left unattended and that there is no evidence she violated election laws.

In a memo to the commission­ers, Woodall-Vogg wrote that in neither case was Griffin’s complaint sufficient to disqualify any nomination papers or signatures filed by the campaigns.

The commission decided Monday that Griffin had failed to meet the burden of clear and convincing evidence, and dismissed her challneges.

A complaint referencin­g Griffin’s complaint was also filed by Milwaukee resident Brionna Bradford. It ultimately ended up being dismissed by the commission for lack of evidence.

The candidates are running to fill the remaining two years of the term left open by the resignatio­n of Mayor Tom Barrett last month. He resigned to become U.S. ambassador to Luxembourg.

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