Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

3 Milwaukee County Board races to appear on Feb. 15 primary ballot

- Alison Dirr and Drake Bentley

Three Milwaukee County Board races will appear on Feb. 15 primary ballots — two in which incumbents are facing challenger­s and another for an open seat.

District 1 Supervisor Liz Sumner — who represents River Hills, Bayside, Fox Point, Whitefish Bay, Shorewood and part of Glendale — and District 3 Supervisor Sheldon Wasserman, who represents Milwaukee’s east side, are both facing challenges.

However, one of Sumner’s opponents, Peter Tase, dropped out following backlash to his comment that he feared Glendale would “turn into an African shantytown” because of homelessne­ss.

His decision to leave the race came after ballots had been printed.

Tase’s name will be listed along with

Sumner and Karen Gentile.

In District 3, Wasserman, an OB/ GYN, will face activist Eric Rorholm and landscape architect Jennifer Current.

A four-way primary without an incumbent will be held in District 12 representi­ng a heavily-Latino area south and west of downtown Milwaukee.

Running for the seat that Supervisor Sylvia Ortiz-Velez did not seek again are resident Rosie King, caregiver Christian Saldivar Frias, union organizer Juan Miguel Martinez and former state Rep. Josh Zepnick.

Ortiz-Velez decided to finish her term on the County Board after she was elected to represent state Assembly District 8 in 2020.

Rorholm and Martinez, along with District 4 Supervisor Ryan Clancy, are a slate of candidates being run by the Milwaukee Democratic Socialists of America.

In each race, voters will narrow the field to two candidates who will face

each other on April 5.

District 3

Wasserman is chair of the Parks, Energy and Environmen­t Committee. He said he expects to maintain that position if granted another term. He was elected to the County Board in 2016. Wasserman was elected to the State Assembly in 1994 and spent 14 years there.

Wasserman said he is focused on three issues: health care, the parks system and public transit. Specifically, on the parks system, Wasserman wants to address the lifeguard shortage the county has been experienci­ng in the summer months.

“We have to get more swimming pools open; we have to get lifeguards for our beaches. And for our pools, we have to have full opening of all aquatic facilities in Milwaukee County,” he said.

Wasserman said his background as a doctor is a unique trait, when discussing health care issues, stating the County Board has a significant role in the funding of mental health services.

One of Wasserman’s opponents, Rorholm, said he graduated from Marquette University in 2021 and considers himself a working-class citizen and renter. He serves as social media and marketing lead with Our Wisconsin Revolution. Our Revolution was created following Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidenti­al campaign.

He referred to himself as a Black Lives Matter activist, climate activist and democratic socialist.

He said he would want to reduce the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office budget and use the money to “fund our parks, expand our green spaces, protect the existing green spaces and protect the Mitchell Park Domes.”

Rorholm raised concerns about the Sheriff’s Department’s overtime costs and said the department should not have equipment such as riot gear and rubber bullets.

Wasserman said Rorholm’s socialist policies don’t represent the district.

“I don’t know who he’s talking to, but we’ve spent a lot of time talking to work with people, renters, homeowners … they’re ready for my vision,” Rorholm said.

Current is another political newcomer seeking the District 3 seat. She is a landscape architect and is focusing her campaign on public space, which Current defines as streets, parks, open spaces, plazas, community centers and senior centers.

Current said that historical­ly funding for public spaces has been treated like a secondary commodity, she wants to change that conversati­on.

“I realized that even as a landscape architect working with public space, I was unable to navigate through the process of advocating to save a public space from demolition. After that, running for office was my call to action. We share this tremendous asset and I want to be a voice for people who also want to stand up for it,” she said.

District 12

King, a first-time candidate for public office, said she wanted to make the county safer and did not feel elected officials were representi­ng their constituen­ts.

“I’m in the race because ‘We the People’ are losing our rights to freedom of speech, mandated to get vaccinated, forced to wear mask, and those who are elected to office are no longer representi­ng the people they promised to service,” she said in an email. “I want to see a Milwaukee County where all citizens count, children are educated across the spectrum, the removal of Critical Race Theory, and Common Core.”

She also said she was “appalled” at what she saw as a socialist direction of the country.

King said she would work for more positive interactio­ns between law enforcemen­t and residents, the revitaliza­tion of the Mitchell Park Domes and surroundin­g area, and greater business investment.

Saldivar Frias said he is currently a caregiver for a relative with a traumatic brain injury while also serving on the state Board of Nursing and having previously worked in education and at a nursing home.

He first ran in 2020 for an open seat as Milwaukee District 8 alderperso­n and then mounted a primary challenge to Democratic state Rep. Marisabel Cabrera.

Saldivar Frias said his experience working with older residents and youth prepared him to serve on the County Board. He said he realized that the current systems can always be improved.

“We need someone to articulate what is going on and what can we do about it,” he said. “Our politics is in disarray, it seems all over the place. I think we need someone to bring us to common ground.”

He would prioritize public safety and public health initiative­s on the County Board.

Also among his top issues would be seeking more funding for Milwaukee County from the state.

Martinez writes for various Milwaukee publicatio­ns but said his primary work is as a union organizer for the Milwaukee Area Service and Hospitalit­y Workers Organizati­on.

He said as a county supervisor he would treat the district like a union in the sense that he would want to talk to residents to find out their priorities and have monthly town halls with people who would serve as “community stewards.”

It’s an approach he connected to the endorsemen­t from the Democratic Socialists.

He said he would listen to residents whose views span the political spectrum.

Martinez said he would want to focus on green spaces, ensuring the Domes have the funding they need, and advocating for strong union jobs.

He also said he would want to reallocate funding from the Sheriff’s Department to “mutual aid resources.” He did not have an amount he wanted to reallocate or specific duties he would want the department to cease with less funding.

“It is very important that we tackle crime at the root because over-policing I feel is just putting a Band-Aid on an open wound,” he said, adding that affordable housing and resources for mental health and addiction are needed.

Zepnick said he decided to run for County Board because he was “flabbergaste­d” by the creation then failure of the county’s first independen­t redistrict­ing body last year.

“I think my skills as a state legislator would be very helpful at the level of the County Board,” he said. “Just about every single thing that the county does has some major connection to state government, and the trouble that the county is in financially is only going to be solved by getting things resolved inside the state Capitol.”

Zepnick served eight terms in the state Legislatur­e before losing a re-election bid to Cabrera in 2018. The loss came less than a year after he was accused of kissing female colleagues against their will in separate incidents in 2011 and 2015.

He said he has been sober since October 2015 and that he hoped others would believe in “forgivenes­s and redemption.”

“I made mistakes, took ownership, paid a heavy price losing my seat in the Assembly, and ultimately made improvemen­ts in order to have a more positive and productive life over the last 6 years,” he wrote in an email.

He said given his own experience he could appreciate others’ struggles and be a voice on the board “for those who want to turn their lives around for the better.”

He said if he were elected he would also want to expand the county’s role in addressing reckless driving, saying the Sheriff’s Department was well-positioned on the issue because its jurisdicti­on crosses municipal boundaries.

He said he would also want to fight for more funding for state-mandated services and seek authorizat­ion for a 1-cent sales tax to provide the county financial assistance and property tax relief.

District 1

Sumner was elected to the County Board in 2020. She ran for the State Assembly in 2018 and lost. Sumner owns SHOP, a women’s clothing and accessorie­s boutique in Shorewood.

She is seeking a second term because she wants to continue working on environmen­tal issues as a member of the Parks, Energy and Environmen­t Committee, such as “working towards the carbon neutral goal that we set and working on implementi­ng recycling programs.”

The County Board adopted a policy in April, setting the goal of going carbon neutral by 2050 aimed at combating climate change.

Sumner wants voters to know that as a small business owner she is fiscally minded. “I’m responsibl­e with our tax dollars, but I also but I want to see them invested in a way that will get a good return,” she said.

Gentile did not respond to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel inquiries.

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