Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai attends Big Air final with IOC president U.S. skier Nina O’Brien heading home after breaking leg

- — Dan Wolken

After the IOC confirmed that former pro tennis player Peng Shuai met with IOC president Thomas Bach on Saturday, she was spotted with him again Tuesday at the Big Air Shougang venue watching Chinese freestyle skier Eileen Gu win the gold medal.

Peng’s public appearance­s have been heavily scrutinize­d and orchestrat­ed since she posted on Chinese social media and then quickly deleted an accusation that a former government official sexually assaulted her, sparking worldwide outrage. After going silent for three weeks as friends from the tennis tour and WTA officials tried to reach her, she re-emerged in a series of videos from state-controlled Chinese media sources.

She has since publicly called the entire situation a misunderst­anding and denied that she accused anyone of sexual assault, including in an interview that was published Monday with French sports publicatio­n L’Equipe.

The interview was held under tightly controlled circumstan­ces, with L’Equipe submitting questions in advance and getting answers in Chinese that were translated by an official on the country’s Olympic committee.

Since Peng’s public re-emergence, the IOC has publicized a series of conversati­ons between her and Bach meant to reassure her safety. The New York Times was able to get access to Bach, who confirmed that he again spoke with Peng.

Later, she was seen sitting besides American freestyle skier Nick Goepper during the competitio­n.

“I spotted her and we had the opportunit­y to talk,” Bach told the Times. “Now she has to go to quarantine, she told me, because she will leave now the closed loop. She said today.”

BEIJING — Nina O’Brien has a compound fracture of her left tibia and fibula and will be taken back to the United States for further treatment.

O’Brien had initial surgery at a hospital in Yanqing, near the Alpine ski venue, after a gruesome crash Monday afternoon in the second run of the giant slalom.

O’Brien crashed just short of the finish line. Skiing at top speed, she lost her balance at the second-to-last gate. Her legs flew wide, and she tumbled past the last gate and into the finish line.

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