Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

GOP lawmakers reject Evers’ plan to give residents $150

- Molly Beck

MADISON - Republican lawmakers who control the state Legislatur­e on Tuesday ignored the Democratic governor’s call to convene a special legislativ­e session to take up legislatio­n that would have given each Wisconsin resident $150.

Senate President Chris Kapenga, a Republican from Delafield, and Assembly Speaker Pro Tempore Tyler August quickly gaveled in and gaveled out of the session Evers ordered to begin Tuesday.

Gov. Tony Evers, who is campaignin­g for re-election, offered a plan in January to give every resident a $150 tax rebate regardless of age or income and funnel $750 million into education — ideas Republican­s in the Legislatur­e quickly rebuffed.

Evers signed an order calling lawmakers in Tuesday to make plans to take up the proposal, but Republican­s planned all along to ignore it.

“Wisconsini­tes are feeling the pressure of rising costs, and they need action now—today— not months from now or a year from now,” Evers said in a statement following Republican­s’ rejection of his call to convene.

“Republican­s are selfishly playing politics by sitting on a projected $3.8 billion surplus until next year while the people of this state watch prices on everyday items go up and gas is almost $4 a gallon. This is the people’s money. We should be doing the right thing and getting it back to them.”

Evers’ plan for tax rebates echoes one his predecesso­r, Republican Scott Walker, offered as he headed into reelection in 2018. Democrats panned Walker’s proposal at the time, but Evers said rebates make sense now because the state is in the midst of the coronaviru­s pandemic and inflation is high.

Evers put forward his $1.7 billion legislativ­e package two days after officials learned the state will take in $2.9 billion more than expected through the middle of next year.

Republican lawmakers have said they want to wait on cutting taxes until after the election for governor this fall. Evers said there is no reason to delay tax breaks.

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