Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Ron Johnson criticized for ‘replacemen­t theory’ talk

- Bill Glauber

Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson is pushing back against criticism that he is promoting the “great replacemen­t theory” — a conspiracy that white Americans are being systematic­ally “replaced” by immigrants and minorities.

But the Anti-Defamation League, which examined Johnson’s comments at the request of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, said the Wisconsin senator was promulgati­ng a “subtle” version of the more overtly racist and antisemiti­c rhetoric circulated by white supremacis­ts.

The idea was expressed in a manifesto by the suspect in the racially motivated shooting rampage in Buffalo that left 10 dead.

National news organizati­ons like the New York Times have written that the “theory has migrated from the farright fringes of American discourse toward the center of Republican politics.”

In its roundup, The Times focused on a comment Johnson made during an interview last year in which he said the “administra­tion wants complete open borders. And you have to ask yourself why? Is it really they want to remake the demographi­cs of America to ensure their — that they stay in power forever?”

This week, Johnson rejected the accusation he was engaging in the theory.

He tweeted, “I’ve spoken extensivel­y on the inhumanity of the Biden admin’s open border policies. Pushing the lie that criticizin­g this admin’s policies in any way supports ‘replacemen­t theory’ is another example of the corporate media working overtime to cover up the Biden admin’s failures.”

The Anti-Defamation League, an anti-hate group, examined several of Johnson’s remarks and said the senator “touches on” the replacemen­t theory when he talks about changing the country’s electorate.

“White supremacis­ts promote a very racist and antisemiti­c version of the theory. Right-wing politician­s and pundits use a more subtle form of the GRT,” the ADL said in a statement.

“Senator Ron. Johnson, while more subtle than others promoting the GRT, touches on the theory in (recent) statements.”

In an interview Tuesday with WSAU radio, Johnson called the Buffalo shooting “a horrendous tragedy, and all of our hearts go out to all of the victims and their surviving loved ones.”

Johnson charged President Joe Biden was politicizi­ng the Buffalo tragedy, telling WSAU, “It is, as the Wall Street Journal described, what he’s doing is despicable, what Democrats are doing, trying to blame conservati­ves for the deranged actions of a deranged individual.”

During his remarks in Buffalo, Biden condemned the gunman’s “hateful, perverse ideology rooted in fear and racism” and called out those who have pushed the “Great Replacemen­t


Biden said that “through the media and politics,” the Internet has “radicalize­d angry, lost and isolated individual­s” into believing the theory.

Johnson spokeswoma­n Alexa Henning said in a statement: “This blatantly political attempt by the media and Democrats to blame Republican­s for a deranged killer in Buffalo is despicable.

“Sen. Johnson has never spoken about this racist theory and any attempt to characteri­ze his criticism of President Biden’s inhumane open border policies or his pointing out Democrats’ own words supporting open borders for electoral gains is disgusting and an outright lie. This is yet another diversiona­ry tactic by the corporate media working overtime to cover up for the disasters of the Biden administra­tion.”

Johnson has said or implied the administra­tion is trying to change the makeup of the electorate several times in recent months.

In a May 2 interview with the Ross Kaminsky Show on KOA radio in Denver, Johnson discussed the border issue and made the case for a legal immigratio­n system. But when asked what explained the Biden administra­tion policy on the border, Johnson said:

“The only thing I can think of — the only thing that makes sense — is they want to let a lot of people in. They want to let ‘em in. They want to get credit as Democrats for letting a bunch of people into this country illegally and then set up a system of voting that’s all mail-in balloting where you can send out ballots. “You have no control over who’s voting, whether they’re citizen or non-citizen, whether they’re eligible or not, and they can basically remake the electorate, so they establish themselves in permanent power as a one-party state.

“So, they complete their fundamenta­l transforma­tion, in other words, their fundamenta­l destructio­n of this country. I don’t know why they want to do that, but that’s as best I can understand is what they want to do.”

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