Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Barnes ad focuses on milk, beef, millionair­es

- Bill Glauber

Democratic Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes is trying to stand out in a field of millionair­es as he runs for U.S. Senate.

So, in his first TV ad that launches Wednesday, Barnes talks about the price of groceries.

“Most Senators couldn’t tell you the cost of a gallon of milk. Or how much beef has gone up this year,” Barnes says in the ad as he pushes a cart through a grocery store. “But I’m not like most Senators, or any of the other millionair­es running for Senate.”

Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson is a multi-millionair­e, as are Barnes’ Democratic rivals, state Treasurer Sarah Godlewski and Milwaukee Bucks executive Alex Lasry.

“My mom was a teacher, my dad worked third shift,” Barnes says in the 30-second ad. “I know how hard you’re working, and I know that by bringing manufactur­ing home, we create jobs and we lower costs. If we want to change Washington, we’ve got to change the people we send there.”

The Barnes campaign said this was the first spot in a multi-million dollar advertisin­g campaign beginning in Milwaukee on broadcast, cable and digital and expanding throughout the state ahead of the Aug. 9 Democratic primary.

The ad campaign comes with polling showing a tightening race as Democratic rivals rolled out their ad campaigns earlier

Lasry began advertisin­g last fall, while Godlewski released her first ad in March. Outagamie County Executive Tom Nelson ran a spot during a Milwaukee Bucks game.

Johnson began advertisin­g in January as he announced he was running for a third term.

Outside groups have also poured millions of dollars into the race.

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