Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Poll: Biden’s approval dips to its lowest point

- Nicholas Riccardi

President Joe Biden’s approval rating dipped to the lowest point of his presidency in May, a new poll shows, with deepening pessimism emerging among members of his own Democratic Party.

Only 39% of U.S. adults approve of Biden’s performanc­e as president, according to the poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Research, dipping from already negative ratings a month earlier.

Overall, only about 2 in 10 adults say the U.S. is heading in the right direction or the economy is good, both down from about 3 in 10 a month earlier. Those drops were concentrat­ed among Democrats, with just 33% within the president’s party saying the country is headed in the right direction, down from 49% in April.

Of particular concern for Biden ahead of the midterm elections, his approval among Democrats stands at 73%, a substantia­l drop since earlier in his presidency. In AP-NORC polls conducted in 2021, Biden’s approval rating among Democrats never dropped below 82%.

The findings reflect a widespread sense of exasperati­on in a country facing a cascade of challenges ranging from inflation, gun violence and a sudden shortage of baby formula to a persistent pandemic.

“I don’t know how much worse it can get,” said Milan Ramsey, a 29-year-old high school counselor and Democrat in Santa Monica, California, who with her husband had to move into her parents’ house to raise their infant son.

Ramsey thinks the economic dysfunctio­n that’s led to her being unable to afford the place where she grew up isn’t

Biden’s fault. But she’s alarmed he hasn’t implemente­d ambitious plans for fighting climate change or fixing health care.

“He hasn’t delivered on any of the promises. I feel like the stimulus checks came out and that was the last win of his administra­tion,” Ramsey said of Biden. “I think he’s tired – and I don’t blame him, I’d be tired too at his age with the career he’s had.”

Republican­s have not been warm to Biden for a while. Fewer than 1 in 10 approve of the president or his handling of the economy, but that’s no different from last month.

Overall, two-thirds of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy. That rating is largely unchanged over the last few months, though elevated slightly since the first two months of the year.

But there are signs that the dissatisfa­ction with Biden on the economy has deepened. Just 18% of Americans say Biden’s policies have done more to help than hurt the economy, down slightly from 24% in March. Fifty-one percent say they’ve done more to hurt than help, while 30% say they haven’t made much difference either way.

The percentage of Democrats who say Biden’s policies have done more to help dipped from 45% to 37%, though just 18% say they’ve done more to hurt; 44% say they’ve made no difference.

Some Democrats blame other forces for inflation.

The AP-NORC poll of 1,172 adults was conducted May 12-16 using a sample drawn from NORC’s probabilit­y-based AmeriSpeak Panel, which is designed to be representa­tive of the U.S. population. The margin of sampling error for all respondent­s is plus or minus 4.0 percentage points.

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