Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Novavax may be option for some troops of faith

- Lolita C. Baldor

WASHINGTON – A COVID-19 vaccine that could soon win federal authorizat­ion may offer a boost for the U.S. military: an opportunit­y to get shots into some of the thousands of service members who have refused other coronaviru­s vaccines for religious reasons.

At least 175 active duty and reserve service members have already received the Novavax vaccine, some even traveling overseas at their own expense to get it. The vaccine meets Defense Department requiremen­ts because it has the World Health Organizati­on’s emergency use approval and is used in Europe and other regions. The Food and Drug Administra­tion is considerin­g giving it emergency use authorizat­ion in the U.S.

The Novavax vaccine may be an acceptable option for some of the 27,000 service members who have sought religious exemptions from the mandatory vaccine. Military officials say many troops who refuse the shots cite certain COVID-19 vaccines’ remote connection to abortions.

Laboratory-grown cell lines descended from fetuses that were aborted decades ago were used in some early-stage testing of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and to grow viruses used to manufactur­e the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. The vaccines do not contain fetal cells. Novavax, however, says that “no human fetal-derived cell lines or tissue” were used in the developmen­t, manufactur­e or production of its vaccine.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin made COVID-19 vaccinatio­ns mandatory last year, saying the shots were critical to maintainin­g military readiness and the health of the force. Military leaders have argued that troops for decades have been required to get as many as 17 vaccines, particular­ly for those who are deploying overseas.

One group involved in lawsuits targeting the military’s vaccine requiremen­t said it’s possible some shot opponents may see Novavax as an amenable option.

“I definitely think it is for some, but certainly not for all,” said Mike Berry, director of military affairs for First Liberty Institute. “There are some for whom abortion is really the ultimate issue, and once that issue is resolved for them spirituall­y, then they’re willing.”

Berry added, however, that for others, abortion is “just a tangential issue,” and they have broader opposition to vaccines as a whole. “A rudimentar­y way of looking at it is that they’ve asked for God’s will, and they believe that it would be wrong for them to get the vaccine,” Berry said. “In other words, they believe that God has told them no.”

Novavax also may appeal to people who are uncomforta­ble with the new genetic-based technology used in Pfizer and Moderna’s so-called mRNA vaccines. They deliver genetic instructio­ns for the body to make copies of the coronaviru­s’ outer coating, the spike protein.

The Novavax vaccine is made with a more familiar technology, like those used for years to prevent hepatitis B and shingles. It trains the body to fight the coronaviru­s by delivering copies of the outer coating which are grown in insect cells, then are purified and packaged into nanopartic­les that to the immune system resemble a virus, according to Novavax research chief Dr. Gregory Glenn.

While some religious groups oppose the shots, when COVID-19 vaccines first started rolling out the Vatican’s doctrine office called the options “morally acceptable” and Pope Francis, who has received Pfizer shots, has strongly encouraged widespread vaccinatio­n.

First Liberty and the law firm Hacker Stephens LLP represent a number of Navy sailors in one lawsuit, and First Liberty and Schaerr Jaffe LLP represent nine airmen in another. Berry said he doesn’t know how many would consider Novavax acceptable, but guessed it may be a small percentage.

Military officials declined to publicly detail the nature of any service members’ religious exemption requests, but spoke on condition of anonymity to provide some descriptio­ns. They said that the most predominan­t issue mentioned in waiver requests is the remote link to fetal cell lines, while others argue that their body is a temple that must remain pure. Others, officials said, describe reasons that appear to have less connection to faith.

Berry said his firm carefully screens individual­s for the lawsuits, to make sure their objections are based on sincerely held religious beliefs, rather than political or other opposition masqueradi­ng as faith-based views.

The military can’t administer the Novavax shot now, and won’t pay for anyone’s travel overseas to get it. But tens of thousands of American forces are based in Europe, where Novavax is available.

Earlier this week, advisers to the FDA backed the Novavax vaccine. Next, the FDA must decide whether to authorize it. A final FDA decision isn’t expected immediatel­y, as the agency finishes combing through the data.

Across the military, more than 5,000 service members have been discharged for refusing the vaccine, according to the latest statistics provided by the services. Of those who requested religious exemptions, only slightly more than 100 have been approved.

In the lawsuit against the Navy, a federal judge in Texas agreed the case can go forward as a classactio­n lawsuit and issued a preliminar­y injunction barring the service from taking action against sailors who objected to the vaccine on religious grounds. Berry said the Justice Department has said it will appeal the ruling to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.

In the Air Force lawsuit, Berry said, lawyers have asked that it also be a class action, and they are seeking a temporary restrainin­g order preventing the Air Force from taking any adverse actions. The court has not yet ruled.

 ?? ALASTAIR GRANT/AP ?? The Food and Drug Administra­tion is considerin­g giving emergency use authorizat­ion to the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine.
ALASTAIR GRANT/AP The Food and Drug Administra­tion is considerin­g giving emergency use authorizat­ion to the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine.

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