Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Pfizer offers tweaked COVID booster shots

Vaccines provide greater omicron protection

- Lauran Neergaard

Pfizer announced Saturday that tweaking its COVID-19 vaccine to better target the omicron variant is safe and works – just days before regulators debate whether to offer Americans updated booster shots this fall.

The vaccines currently used in the U.S. still offer strong protection against severe COVID-19 disease and death – especially if people have had a booster dose. But those vaccines target the original coronaviru­s strain and their effectiveness against any infection dropped markedly when the super-contagious omicron variant emerged.

Now with omicron’s even more transmissi­ble relatives spreading widely, the Food and Drug Administra­tion is considerin­g ordering a recipe change for the vaccines made by Pfizer and rival Moderna in hopes that modified boosters could better protect against another COVID-19 surge expected this fall and winter.

Pfizer and its partner BioNTech studied two ways of updating their shots – targeting just omicron, or a combinatio­n booster that adds omicron protection to the original vaccine. They also tested whether to keep today’s standard dosage – 30 micrograms – or to double the shots’ strength.

In a study of more than 1,200 middleage and older adults who had three vaccine doses, Pfizer said both booster approaches spurred a substantia­l jump in omicron-fighting antibodies.

“Based on these data, we believe we have two very strong omicron-adapted candidates,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said in a statement.

Pfizer’s omicron-only booster sparked the strongest immune response against that variant.

But many experts said combinatio­n shots might be the best approach because they would retain the proven benefits of the original COVID-19 vaccine while adding new protection against omicron. And Pfizer said a month after people received its combo shot, they had a 9- to 11-fold increase in omicron-fighting antibodies.

That’s more than 1.5 times better than another dose of the original vaccine.

And, preliminar­y lab studies showed the tweaked shots also produced antibodies capable of fighting omicron’s geneticall­y distinct relatives named BA.4 and BA.5, although those levels weren’t nearly as high.

Moderna recently announced similar results from tests of its combinatio­n shot, what scientists call a “bivalent” vaccine.

The studies weren’t designed to track how well updated boosters prevented

The vaccines currently used in the U.S. still offer strong protection against severe COVID-19 disease and death – especially if people have had a booster dose.

COVID-19 cases. Nor is it clear how long any added protection would last.

But the FDA’s scientific advisers will publicly debate the data on Tuesday, as they grapple with whether to recommend a change to the vaccines’ recipes – ahead of similar decisions by other countries.

The Associated Press Health and Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsibl­e for all content.

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