Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Looking at Rep. Tim Ryan’s take on the Inflation Reduction Act

- Louis Jacobson

When the major Democratic bill on climate change, health care and corporate taxation was being finalized, its Senate backers settled on a title that reflected the reality that inflation was at a 40-year high. They called it the Inflation Reduction Act.

But as the legislatio­n was being debated — and after it passed on a partyline vote Aug. 7 — Republican critics sought to turn this language against the bill’s supporters. The measure wouldn’t actually do much of anything to curb inflation, they argued.

Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan, who’s running a stronger-than-expected Senate race in the GOP-leaning state of Ohio, sought to neutralize the critics’ rhetoric. In an Aug. 17 tweet, he shared a chart that paired arguments against the bill with his counterarg­uments.

“There’s been a lot of misinforma­tion about the Inflation Reduction Act floating around,” he tweeted from his official House account. “Now that this historic legislatio­n is now law, let’s get to the bottom of what this bill really does — and doesn’t!”

One of the statements that Ryan sought to debunk was that the bill “will increase deficit spending.” Ryan’s rejoinder: The bill “will pay down the national debt & fight inflation.”

Here, we’ll look at both parts of Ryan’s statement. Because these comments are prediction­s, we won’t rate them on our Truth-O-Meter.

National debt

Will the legislatio­n “pay down the national debt”?

There’s nothing in the legislatio­n that would do that.

Understand­ing why depends on understand­ing the difference between the debt and the deficit.

The bill aims to reduce the deficit. The deficit is the annual gap between how much the federal government spends and how much revenue it collects.

Most estimates project that the Democratic bill’s provisions would reduce the federal deficit by a cumulative $305 billion through 2031. An estimate from the Committee for a Responsibl­e Federal Budget projects that the measure would reduce deficits by $1 trillion over two decades. That number could climb to nearly $2 trillion if the savings on interest are included, the committee said.

However, these reductions would not be enough to actually “pay down the national debt.”

Debt is the accumulati­on of all prior deficits, minus any annual surpluses. And the debt would still be rising with this bill’s provisions in play. It would just be rising at a slower pace.

“By reducing deficits, you slow the growth of the debt and hopefully shrink it as a percentage of gross domestic product,” said Steve Ellis, president of Taxpayers for Common Sense. “But that still isn’t ‘paying down the national debt.’ ”

To actually pay down the debt in absolute terms would require running federal budget surpluses. All or part of these surpluses would then need to be used to actually pay off bonds held by the public.

“That would require significant increases in taxes and reductions in spending,” said Kyle Pomerleau, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. And those tax increases and spending cuts are far beyond the scope of what the Democratic bill included, he said.

Ryan’s office told PolitiFact that because of the deficit reduction, debt would be lower than it would have been without the bill, even if it’s not lower in absolute dollars.

Fighting inflation

Will the legislatio­n “fight inflation”? This is far from a certainty.

A broad swath of expert opinion suggests that the measure’s impact on inflation will be modest and could border on zero.

The White House and other Democrats have touted a letter signed by more than 100 prominent economists. The letter says the legislatio­n “will fight inflation and lower costs for American families while setting the stage for strong, stable, and broadly-shared longterm economic growth.”

The letter specifically cites provisions in the bill that could leave more money in Americans’ pockets. Those provisions allow Medicare to negotiate lower prices with pharmaceut­ical companies; reduce Medicare out-of-pocket costs for drugs; and prevent insurance premiums from spiking under the Affordable Care Act.

The bill’s deficit reduction should also put “downward pressure on inflation,” the economists wrote. That’s because reduced federal spending would have a cooling effect on demand that could otherwise promote inflation.

Ryan’s office told PolitiFact that the law “moves the needle on inflation in the right direction,” even though it can’t wipe out inflation fully.

However, several independen­t analyses have concluded that the bill wouldn’t actually move the needle much on inflation either way.

The Penn-Wharton Budget Model at the University of Pennsylvan­ia concluded that the measure’s “impact on inflation is statistica­lly indistingu­ishable from zero.”

The Congressio­nal Budget Office, Congress’ independen­t arbiter for budget matters, wrote that the measure’s impact on inflation would be “negligible” in 2022 and either slightly lower or slightly higher in 2023.

And the right-of-center Tax Foundation wrote that, “on balance, the long-run impact on inflation is particular­ly uncertain but likely close to zero.”

The Committee for a Responsibl­e Federal Budget offered a somewhat rosier assessment. It said the measure should “very modestly reduce inflationary pressures in the near term while lowering the risk of persistent inflation over time.” Doing so would “make it easier for the Federal Reserve to reduce inflation without causing a recession,” according to the group’s analysis.

Moody’s Analytics, meanwhile, also gave a more optimistic assessment of the legislatio­n’s inflation-fighting potential: “Broadly, the legislatio­n will nudge the economy and inflation in the right direction,” it wrote.

This impact will be slow to develop, however, Moody’s cautioned: “Through the middle of this decade, the impact of the legislatio­n on inflation is marginal, but it becomes more meaningful later in the decade.” (The Congressio­nal Budget

Office pointed out in its analysis that it did not study the impact on inflation beyond 2023, just two years into a 10-year bill.)

Provisions that would take time to reduce inflationary pressures include those focused on climate change. One example is tax credits for renewable energy. Moody’s said such provisions could eventually reduce the typical American household’s spending on energy by more than $300 per year. That savings could grow even larger if carbon emission reductions help mitigate extreme weather events, thereby leading to lower property insurance costs.

Similarly, the provision that allows Medicare to negotiate for drug prices will be phased in over several years. That would mean that the savings for beneficiaries won’t kick in immediatel­y.

Corporate taxation

The deficit reduction portion of the legislatio­n is largely pinned to more aggressive corporate taxation. But the Tax Foundation warned that the hoped-for deficit reduction might not materializ­e if companies find loopholes in the new tax structure. Companies hit by higher corporate taxation could also pass some of their added tax burden on to consumers through higher prices.

“I expect the effects on aggregate consumer price inflation will be quite small and spread out over a number of years,” said Steve Fazzari, an economist at Washington University in St. Louis. “The much bigger impact of this set of policies will be to address climate change and improve health security for Americans rather than having a meaningful effect on inflation.”

Deficit reduction of this scale is small compared with the economy as a whole, said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, president of the American Action Forum, a centerrigh­t think tank. The progress on the deficit will also be undercut by new spending approved in other recently passed bills. The PACT Act expands veterans health care and the Chips and Science Act bolsters the country’s technology and manufactur­ing base. The deficit savings in future years could be eaten up by added spending from these and other bills, Holtz-Eakin said.

Ultimately, the Federal Reserve matters much more for fighting inflation, Holtz-Eakin said.

“There’s no serious deficit reduction in the bill until the second five years,” he said. By that time, any impact from this bill would be moot, he said: “If the Fed doesn’t have inflation under control by 2028, we’ll be facing a revolution.”

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