Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Lake Superior’s voice gets a bit sassy

How Twitter account went viral as G.L.O.A.T.

- Caitlin Looby

A lot of words come to mind when you think of Lake Superior: expansive, deep, cold, clear.

But sassy and saucy? Probably not. Unless you follow “Lake Superior” on Twitter, the account claiming to be the greatest lake of all time — or G.L.O.A.T.

Earlier this summer, the account went viral after sharing a stance on abortion and subsequent­ly trolling opponents. Now @LakeSuperi­or, which only had 40,000 followers at the start of summer, has more than 220,000, a number that is climbing.

And since then, the account has tweeted about hooking up with the world’s largest rubber duck and how many Wisconsini­tes it would take to drain the lake if it was filled with beer instead of water.

Gov. Tony Evers has even played along, tagging the account on Lake Superior Day in July.

Besides snarky puns and word play, the account shows off the beauty of the northernmo­st lake as well as the research going on throughout it, and about it.

The account has no official affiliation with Lake Superior, but the person who runs it is well-acquainted with the lake, living their entire life just steps from its shoreline.

Fresh off a morning swim in the lake, the human behind @LakeSuperi­or — who for now wishes to stay anonymous — spoke with the Journal Sentinel about how they found Lake Superior’s “voice,” why it’s the greatest lake of all time and whether they think the Upper Peninsula should be a part of Wisconsin. The interview was edited for clarity and brevity.

Tell me about how the account got started.

It was probably 10 or 12 years ago, the account was already in existence. I saw that somebody had the Lake Superior handle, but that it was stagnant. I reached out with a direct message and they agreed to turn it over to me. And I’ve been running with it ever since, without a real formal plan from the beginning, but if Lake Superior had a voice, what would that be? And having a superiorit­y complex has always been that voice.

How did you come up with the ‘voice’ of Lake Superior?

It’s been a slow growth of really listening to what people engage with and what they enjoy. But I get this opportunit­y to be sassy and confident and superior. And it’s really fun. It’s been about crafting this voice and trying to find clever ways to connect with an audience and it comes down to a lot of

word play, a lot of puns, and a lot of joking about why I am the greatest lake in the world. There are some liberties that you can have speaking as a lake and that you don’t have as a human.

Did you take inspiratio­n from any other accounts?

Not really. It’s really been my own undertakin­g and learning what works and what doesn’t, trying new things and seeing what falls flat. There are core tweets about being sassy and superior and funny. Then there are the ones that are about the beauty of the Great Lakes, which are photos and celebratin­g people visiting the Great Lakes.

I have a lot of personal enjoyment retweeting and engaging with the scientists across the Great Lakes region and elevating their message. The satire and humor grow the account. And then I get to retweet some of the latest science, and relay that message to the layperson who isn’t picking up environmen­tal science journals.

Do you have any environmen­tal concerns when it comes to Lake Superior?

I’m not a scientist and I’m not an environmen­talist. I try to hand that message to the people putting in that work and who are experts in those fields. I try to relay their message wherever possible, because they really are the experts. One of the biggest roles I take on is sharing that a lake can’t take care of itself. Beavers and bears and fish and eagles can’t vote, you know? It’s entirely up to humans to take this on and protect water, either in the Great Lakes or elsewhere.

What is your favorite moment you’ve had so far on social media?

Every year during the Super Bowl, I live tweet the Super Bowl as the “Superior Bowl,” and everything gets converted. Instead of the New England Patriots, they become the New England Perch. And instead of the kickoff it becomes the fish off. When there’s a penalty on the field it becomes a penalty for littering.

Do the other Great Lakes have Twitter accounts and if so, what do you think of them?

Every time I go viral, it seems like a new lake account pops up. What I’m proud of with the Lake Superior account is that it’s the only account that has the actual handle of just Lake Superior. The other accounts have a number after it. It’s the most authentic handle. I know there’s an active Lake Michigan one, there’s an active Lake Erie one. There’s a lot of banter ongoing about what lake is the greatest one.

Why are you the greatest lake of all time?

The other Great Lakes are full of my old water. I literally fill the other Great Lakes. I am more than half of all the Great Lakes water combined. And it’s absolutely huge, but it’s stormy and beautiful and harsh and cold in the fact that it can freeze over at that scale. It’s beautiful, but it’s a harsh place at the same time.

Packers or Vikings?

I plead the fifth.

What’s your favorite season?

The freezing of Lake Superior.

What’s your favorite lake activity?

Waves crashing.

What Great Lake is the Robin to your Batman?

I’m still searching.

Rank the lakes from best to worst.

This is going to ruffle some feathers. Lake Superior is number one. Lake Huron

is number two because it’s large and isn’t too overcrowde­d.

Then, Lake Ontario because they are quiet and mind their own business. Then, I’ll say Lake Erie. Even though they are really shallow, I have a lot of compassion for what is going on environmen­tally.

And then Lake Michigan because we have the biggest rivalry.

Hot dish or casserole?


What’s your favorite Lake Superior national park?

Isle Royale National Park.

Which state has more lakes Wisconsin or Minnesota?

Let’s just play safe and say Minnesota.

Should the Upper Peninsula belong to Wisconsin?

No, the UP should be its own state.

Caitlin Looby is a Report for America corps member who writes about the environmen­t and the Great Lakes. Email her at

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