Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Utah sues US over national monuments

Biden moved last year to restore areas’ status

- Sam Metz and Brady McCombs ASSOCIATED PRESS

SALT LAKE CITY – The state of Utah and two Republican-leaning rural counties sued the Biden administra­tion on Wednesday over the president’s decision last year to restore two sprawling national monuments on rugged lands sacred to Native Americans that former President Donald Trump had downsized.

The lawsuit over Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante, the two southeaste­rn Utah monuments, alleges that President Joe Biden’s action violates a century-old law that allows presidents to protect sites considered historical­ly, geographic­ally or culturally important and outlines the rules governing when they can do so.

The fate of the monuments is among the United States’ most prominent battles over public lands and how they’re managed. Federal land management decisions often become politicall­y charged throughout the rural West, where Republican-leaning ranching communitie­s skeptical of federal overreach are often pitted against conservati­onists and tribes who argue robust federal protection­s are needed as a bulwark against developmen­t or industries like mining or logging.

The new lawsuit is the latest twist in a yearslong debate spanning three presidenti­al administra­tions. Its arguments revisit familiar legal and political debates and touch on points Republican­s have for years repeated in court and in campaign speeches about federal land grabs and advantages of local land management.

The challenge from Utah and two right-leaning rural jurisdicti­ons, Kane and Garfield counties, had been expected since Biden restored the lands in October 2021. At that time, Biden called Bears Ears “a place of reverence and a sacred homeland to hundreds of generation­s of native peoples.”

The monuments, which together are nearly the size of Connecticu­t, contain canyons surrounded by pink ribbons of limestone, dramatic red rock mesas and buttes, juniper forests and Native American artifacts including ancient cliff dwellings and petroglyph­s.

In a Wednesday joint statement in support of the lawsuit, Gov. Spencer Cox and Utah’s entire congressio­nal delegation accused the federal government of not properly managing the land and blamed the expanded monuments for “unmanageab­le visitation levels.”

“We now challenge this repeated, abusive federal overreach to ensure that our public lands are adequately protected and that smart stewardshi­p remains with the people closest to the land,” said the group, whose signatorie­s included U.S. Sens. Mitt Romney and Mike Lee.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the administra­tion had no comment about the lawsuit.

The lawsuit brings the battle over these lands back to the courtroom, similarly to what happened in 2017 after Trump made his move to shrink the monuments. At that time, lawsuits were filed by outdoor company Patagonia and a coalition of tribes including the Hopi, Ute Indian, Ute Mountain Ute and Zuni tribes and Navajo Nation to restore the monuments.

“The tribes have been fighting for decades, and really centuries, to protect these lands,” Matthew Campbell, deputy director of the Native American Rights Fund, said Wednesday. “It looks like they will have to continue that fight.”

The part of southeaste­rn Utah where the two monuments are located has been at the center of some of the country’s most heated land management debates since President Bill Clinton designated Grand Staircase a national monument in 1996.

Bears Ears, which was designated a National Monument by President Barack Obama, is unique because land management decisions are made by a commission jointly governed by federal agency officials and representa­tives from five tribal nations. The commission was reestablis­hed this past June, five years after it and an Obama-era joint governance plan were scrapped when the Trump administra­tion downsized the monuments in 2017.

That decision opened parts of the monuments up for mining, drilling and other developmen­t. Low demand and high production costs led to minimal interest from energy companies in the lands that became unprotecte­d when Trump downsized the monuments, including a large coal reserve found in the lands cut from Grand Staircase or uranium on lands cut from Bears Ears.

Utah’s lawsuit argues the Biden administra­tion interprete­d the 1906 Antiquitie­s Act in an overly broad manner and disregarde­d its original intent: protecting particular historical or archaeolog­ical sites. It cites provisions of the act that say designatio­ns should encompass “the smallest area compatible” with preservati­on goals.

Democratic presidents have argued designatin­g large swaths of land is needed to protect certain areas, and in his October 2021 proclamati­on, Biden called the Bears Ears designatio­n “the smallest area compatible with the proper care and management of the objects of historic and scientific interest.”

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