Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Lena Dunham on medieval romp ‘Catherine Called Birdy’

- Jake Coyle

TORONTO – Lena Dunham estimates her career is now a “tween.”

It’s been 12 years since Dunham’s feature film debut, 2010’s “Tiny Furniture.” (She was just 23 when it premiered.) In the time since, she’s packed in just about every aspect of show-business experience. She’s been hailed as “the voice of a generation” for the zeitgeist-grabbing “Girls.” She’s been a lightening rod politicall­y and often a magnet for controvers­y. She struggled with sobriety. She’s fought chronic pain and in 2018 had a total hysterecto­my for her endometrio­sis.

Dunham, 36, penned a 2014 memoir at the height of her “Girls” fame. But she’s experience­d enough ups and down since then that she’s preparing a second memoir.

“It’s funny because the book I wrote when I was 27 is much more know-itall than the book I’m writing now,” Dunham says. “Even at 27, as I was skewering 27-year-olds, I couldn’t avoid being that 27-year-old who was talking as if I had, like, a Shirley MacLaine-age career and was full of sage advice for people. And I look back and I’m like: ‘What was she saying?’ ”

But after the turmoil of her post”Girls” years, Dunham has returned with not one but two films in 2022. Last month, she debuted “Sharp Stick,” about a 26-year-old woman’s sexual experience­s. On Friday, her latest, “Catherine Called Birdy,” opens in theaters Friday before streaming Oct. 7 on Amazon Prime Video.

Adapted by Dunham from Karen Cushman’s 1994 young-adult novel, “Catherine Called Birdy” stars newcomer Bella Ramsey as a spirited 14year-old in 13th century England whose comic schemes attempt to foil her father (Andrew Scott) from marrying her off for a dowry.

It’s funny, poignant and one of the best things Dunham’s done – a medieval coming-of-age romp made with 21st-century flair.

“For better or worse, I cannot say that I had something different in my head than what came out,” Dunham said in a recent interview ahead of the

Lena Dunham’s “Catherine Called Birdy” is adapted from Karen Cushman’s 1994 young-adult novel, about a spirited 14-year-old in 13th century England whose comic schemes attempt to foil her father from marrying her off for a dowry. film’s Toronto Internatio­nal Film Festival premiere.

Dunham is currently prepping a TV project that she hopes to make next year, something she compares to her passion for “Girls.”

But, for now, the warm reception from critics and festival audiences for “Catherine Called Birdy,” Dunham said, was gratifying: “I’ve now had a career long enough to know how unusual it is.”

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Question: How did your sensibilit­y mesh with the book’s?

The thing that connected me to the book was her voice, her sense of humor, her sense of the world, her blind spots, her sense of justice. There’s also all kinds of things she misunderst­ands about the world around her. Those are the kinds of characters that have always interested me. In a way, she was the proto- character for me. She was my first time reading a book – besides Eloise – about a little girl who was complicate­d and thorny and made bad choices and made good choices. So, in a way, it’s like I got to make a movie about the heroine that influenced all my other heroines.

Q: How would you describe your post-“Girls” experience? Before these two films and last year marrying musician Luis Felber, you were less in the public eye while dealing with health issues and other troubles.

Leaving an experience as intense as “Girls,” it’s so important to take a moment. I just needed to take the time to redefine my relationsh­ip to myself, my family and my work. And so the last five years, it was nice because I had the opportunit­y to work pretty steadily, but in a way that was more quiet. So it was writing screenplay­s or directing a pilot that wasn’t distinctly mine, like “Industry,” or producing another show like “Generation.” Doing “Girls,” I realized how counterint­uitive public exposure can be to keeping your creative spark going.

Q: So what changed? You had been living a quite open life.

I just realized how the work was the most important place for me to channel my voice. I was coming of age profession­ally when social media was just starting. We didn’t yet really understand the full effects of the pitfalls of that. Now it’s much clearer to me that the work is the place to put the feelings, the opinions, the emotions.

Q: Given that the release of you movie follows the overturnin­g of Roe v. Wade, it must strike you as surreal that your 13th century movie could be considered timely.

To realize that a thousand years ago the conversati­on around bodily autonomy was not that different than the one we’re having today is definitely intensely sobering. That a time where politics and religion were so enmeshed and they forced themselves on the bodies of certain people – to think that remains a reality should be a wake-up call for all of us.

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