Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Johnson calls for ‘snap audits’ in future elections

- Bill Glauber

Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson Tuesday called for creating more audits for future elections to restore public confidence that voting results are accurate.

In remarks to the Rotary Club of Milwaukee on Tuesday, Johnson doubled down on his contention the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot was not an armed insurrecti­on and weighed in on voting issues in Wisconsin.

“Just have snap audits where you go in and you do a complete audit,” Johnson said. “You take a look at paper trail, you look at the voter logs and take the paper ballots and you audit that against the results of what the machine is telling you.”

Johnson, who has called for tightening election laws after the 2020 election, suggested performing audits without advance notice in a certain number of precincts and likened the process to a business auditing petty cash as a signal to root out any potential fraud.

“This isn’t rocket science,” said Johnson, who is running for a third term against Democratic opponent Mandela Barnes. “I think it’s pretty easy to restore confidence.”

The state routinely performs random audits in line with what Johnson is suggesting but does not do snap audits.

“You don’t just walk in and hand over ballots,” said Ann Jacobs, a Democratic appointee to the Wisconsin Elections Commission. “I think people would lose their minds if that is what is going on.”

Jacobs said there are rules governing audits, including who is permitted to do the task and ensuring the safety and security of the ballots.

“We’ve been increasing the number of audits each election cycle and we’ve found it to be very successful,” she said.

During his appearance, Johnson weighed in on a variety of topics, from the national debt to the legislativ­e push to codify same-sex marriage.

He defended his votes against the American Rescue Plan COVID-19 relief bill and an infrastruc­ture bill, two significant legislativ­e accomplish­ments of President Joe Biden’s administra­tion.

“I’m actually proud of voting no on trillions of dollars in spending. Somebody has to,” Johnson said. “The greatest threat to government benefits, the greatest threat to our economy, to jobs is the debt crisis. Let’s just see how the economy is going to proceed with 8.5% inflation. I have been predicting stagflation for well over a year because I’m from the

Wisconsin routinely performs random audits in line with what Sen. Ron Johnson is suggesting, but does not do snap audits.

private sector.”

After originally declaring he saw “no reason to oppose” a bill to oppose a bill to codify same-sex marriage, Johnson has said he would not support the Respect for Marriage Act in its current form.

Johnson argued codifying same-sex marriage is unnecessar­y and that it’s “scare tactics.”

“The only way I would support a bill like this is if we have very strong protection­s for religious liberty,” Johnson said. “What I’ve seen so far right now is that it’s not strong enough.”

Johnson repeats claim Jan. 6 was not an ‘armed insurrecti­on’

Johnson continued to push back on the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol being an “armed insurrecti­on,” despite video footage and photos of the attack showing participan­ts erecting gallows, deploying pepper spray, hurling a fire extinguish­er, using baseball bats to smash windows, and throwing flags like spears at police officers.

The events left a least five people dead. “Now some of the protesters did teach us all how you can use flagpoles and that kind of stuff as weapons,” Johnson said. “But to call what happened on January 6 an armed insurrecti­on, I just think is not accurate.”

He said protesters “stayed within the rope lines” in the Capitol Rotunda and that Congress reopened around six hours after the riots and the Electoral College votes were counted.

“So again, I realize that term (armed insurrecti­on) has been used to inflame the situation,” he said. “I think it’s grossly inaccurate. But I understand what one side of the political spectrum is trying to do, they’re trying to paint half of America as potential domestic terrorists or semi-fascist. That’s what’s dividing this country.”

Police recovered a dozen guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition from seven people who were arrested over their involvemen­t in the Jan. 6 riot, according to NBC News, and the House select committee investigat­ing the attack played police radio traffic reporting armed protesters in the Capitol area.

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