Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

NRB hopefuls grilled on topics

Appointees share their views on wolves, PFAS

- Laura Schulte Milwaukee Journal Sentinel USA TODAY NETWORK – WISCONSIN

MADISON – Members of the state Senate grilled several of Gov. Tony Evers’ appointees to the Natural Resources Board Wednesday, specifically seeking answers about whether they would vote yes on a wolf hunt in coming years, their views on “forever chemicals,” and whether the appointees had enough experience with agricultur­e, hunting and fishing.

The members of the Senate Committee on Financial Institutio­ns and Sporting Heritage held a public hearing for appointees Sharon Adams, Dylan Jennings and Paul Buhr. Evers selected Adams more than two years ago, but she had not been given a hearing, while Buhr and Jennings were appointed this year.

Here’s what you should know.

How would appointees vote on a wolf hunt?

The possibilit­y of a wolf hunt was a large focus for committee members who questioned the appointees on whether there should be a population goal in the wolf management plan the DNR is working to create.

Adams, the founder of Milwaukee nonprofit Walnut Way, said she was “strongly committed” to a management plan.

“I think we’re still in the process of deciding if there should be a goal, and what that goal should be,” she said. “So I’m listening to our residents. I’m also wanting to make sure that we’re doing everything we can to reach good goals, and practices and procedures that are sustainabl­e.”

Buhr, who until his recent retirement farmed and raised cattle and owned a dairy farm for 45 years, said that while many farmers struggle with

Even with less disagreeme­nt on the board itself, there are still challenges. Four of the members remain unconfirme­d, and earlier this year Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu cast doubt on Evers’ appointees to the board, saying that they seemed “political” and “maybe don’t have the background” to be on the board.

wolves, there is going to have to be a way to maintain a sustainabl­e number of wolves in the state, much like the state has done with the bear population. “But I am in favor of a wolf hunt,” he said.

Jennings, a member of the Bad River Ojibwe Nation in northern Wisconsin, said he would rely on his science and environmen­tal background, making sure he looks at all of the data and informatio­n available, as well as taking into account the desires of residents.

“We’re in unpreceden­ted times, where a lot of these species that have been extirpated are now making a comeback,” he said. “I mean, I could go either way on it, to be honest with you.”

Sen. Rob Stafsholt, R-New Richmond, in particular focused on Jennings’ former role as the spokespers­on for the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission and a lawsuit filed by a number of Indigenous tribes that halted the wolf hunt in Wisconsin in recent years. He asked if that lawsuit would be something that influenced Jennings’ future decisions about a hunt.

He asked the members of the committee to consider that in his previous role he was representi­ng the position of tribal community members.

“For a lot of our Ojibwe communitie­s, Ma’iingan, or wolves, have a really strong cultural significance. So much so that many of our communitie­s believe that the demise of any wolf population means the demise of tribal communitie­s. I don’t think that the tribes by any means are wrong in trying to protect those belief systems that they have, especially since they’ve been a part of this environmen­t for hundreds of thousands of years,” he said.

“But I don’t allow my own personal beliefs and where I come from to get in the way of working in representi­ng a more broad, diverse group of constituen­ts.”

Who is responsibl­e for PFAS?

Adams said she believed there should be government support for dealing with PFAS, given the size and depth of the issue, but that the government isn’t the only one responsibl­e.

“I think that we will find out over time who and what is mostly contributi­ng to it, and I think that should be a route that is viewed,” she said.

Jennings wasn’t directly questioned about PFAS but said during his testimony that looking to the science and research should govern the state’s response.

“It was not too long ago where PFAS wasn’t even on our radar, as a nation or a state,” he said. “And now science has shown that it is really damaging to not only health but our environmen­t.”

Buhr said cleanup should be a joint effort between polluters and the government. “If companies were found to conceal that they knew things about PFAS, then they are part of the problem and they should be part of the payment solution,” he said.

Do the appointees have experience with agricultur­e, fishing and hunting?

Buhr brings his long history with farming to the role, but he emphasized that he also is an active sportsman as an angler and participat­es in his son’s hunting party each fall.

Adams grew up with a family experience­d in farming, she said, and often traveled the state fishing with them, a hobby she continues. “That’s the peace time, you know?” she said of fishing.

While she doesn’t hunt, she did grow up watching her family members hunt and eating the fruits of those labors.

Jennings said that while he doesn’t have direct experience with agricultur­e, he did grow up harvesting wild rice, fishing and hunting with his family. “I couldn’t live without it, to be honest,” he said of hunting and fishing. “It’s very much a part of our day-to-day life, and ingrained in my kids and my family.”

What was the controvers­y surroundin­g the board?

Though board meetings this year have proceeded with no clashes, the last several years have been marred by controvers­y. In 2021, when Frederick Prehn’s term expired, the Wausau dentist refused to step down from his seat, creating months of infighting between the Walker and Evers appointees. Though Prehn’s decision was upheld by the state Supreme Court, other members of the board and members of the public decried Prehn’s decision and pushed for his exit.

The state Senate contribute­d to the conflict by refusing to hold a confirmation vote for the new appointee.

Prehn held the seat for nearly two years past its expiration date, only to quietly step down at the end of December, with no explanatio­n. At that point, Sandra Dee Naas, whom Evers had selected for Prehn’s spot, was able to take her seat. Naas has still not been given a confirmation hearing.

Are there still issues?

Even with less disagreeme­nt on the board itself, there are still challenges. Four of the members remain unconfirmed, and earlier this year Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu cast doubt on Evers’ appointees to the board, saying that they seemed “political” and “maybe don’t have the background” to be on the board. Board Chair Bill Smith was confirmed after his appointmen­t in 2019, and Vice-Chair Marcy West was confirmed shortly after her appointmen­t in 2020.

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