Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

First effort to force Vos recall falls short

Commission may vote to officially reject it today

- Molly Beck

MADISON - Organizers of a recall attempt against Wisconsin’s longestser­ving Assembly Speaker failed to gather enough signatures to trigger a recall election, according to a new report by the state elections commission.

Supporters of former president and presumptiv­e GOP 2024 presidenti­al nominee Donald Trump are seeking to oust Assembly Speaker Robin Vos over his criticism of Trump and his unwillingn­ess to break the law and undo the 2020 Wisconsin presidenti­al election.

The group launched a second recall attempt against Vos after the failure of the first, which commission­ers may vote to officially reject Thursday now that commission staff have determined the group did not gather enough signatures in the appropriat­e legislativ­e districts and because Vos does not live in or represent a third district from which petition organizers gathered signatures.

The bipartisan elections commission will meet Thursday evening to discuss the recommenda­tion by commission staff to declare not enough signatures were collected to trigger a recall election.

The first recall attempt failed, in part, because petition circulator­s forged signatures — an illegal practice that is now under investigat­ion by the Racine County district attorney.

Vos in his challenge alleged thousands were from people who didn’t live in the correct district. He also argued the petitions included forged signatures and were circulated by felons in some cases, which is against state law.

Racine County District Attorney Patricia Hanson as of March was investigat­ing nearly 30 complaints from area residents who said their signatures were forged by the recall organizers.

The new recall petitions are due by May 28, according to the Wisconsin Elections Commission.

Recall organizers in March submitted to the WEC more than 10,000 signatures — nearly 4,000 more than required. But elections commission staff determined the recall organizers didn’t obtain enough signatures from residents in the district Vos was elected in when the recall began, falling about 945 signatures short.

The recall committee has acknowledg­ed the signatures the group submitted included forgeries but blamed the crime on “sabotage” and unidentified participan­ts “recruiting individual­s from outside Wisconsin.”

According to the paperwork for the new recall effort, organizer Matthew Snorek is seeking to recall Vos over baseless allegation­s of Vos’ “tacit support for the Chinese Communist Party.”

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